Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • The star formation history of BCGs to z = 1.8 from the SpARCS/SWIRE survey : evidence for significant in situ star formation at high redshift 

      Webb, Tracy M. A.; Muzzin, Adam; Noble, Allison; Bonaventura, Nina; Geach, James; Hezevah, Yashar; Lidman, Chris; Wilson, Gillian; Yee, H. K. C.; Surace, Jason; Shupe, David (2015-12-01)
      We present the results of an MIPS-24 μm study of the brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) of 535 high-redshift galaxy clusters. The clusters are drawn from the Spitzer Adaptation of the Red-Sequence Cluster Survey, which ...
    • The XXL Survey: : XXIX. GMRT 610 MHz continuum observations 

      Smolcic, Vernesa; Intema, Huib; Slaus, Bruno; Raychaudhury, Somak; Novak, Mladen; Horellou, Cathy; Chiappetti, Lucio; Delhaize, Jacinta; Birkinshaw, Mark; Bondi, Marco; Bremer, Malcolm; Ciliegi, Paolo; Ferrari, Chiara; Kolokythas, Konstantinos; Lidman, Chris; McGee, Sean L.; Norris, Ray; Pierre, Marguerite; Rottgering, Huub; Tasse, Cyril; Williams, Wendy (2018-12-01)
      We present the 25 square-degree GMRT-XXL-N 610 MHz radio continuum survey, conducted at 50 cm wavelength with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) towards the XXL Northern field (XXL-N). We combined previously published ...