Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • The KLEVER survey: nitrogen abundances at z ∼ 2 and probing the existence of a fundamental nitrogen relation 

      Hayden-Pawson, Connor; Curti, Mirko; Maiolino, Roberto; Cirasuolo, Michele; Belfiore, Francesco; Cappellari, Michele; Concas, Alice; Cresci, Giovanni; Cullen, Fergus; Kobayashi, Chiaki; Mannucci, Filippo; Marconi, Alessandro; Meneghetti, Massimo; Mercurio, Amata; Peng, Yingjie; Swinbank, Mark; Vincenzo, Fiorenzo (2022-05-30)
      We present a comparison of the nitrogen-to-oxygen ratio (N/O) in 37 high-redshift galaxies at z ∼2 taken from the KMOS Lensed Emission Lines and VElocity Review (KLEVER) Survey with a comparison sample of local galaxies, ...
    • Space Project for Astrophysical and Cosmological Exploration ( SPACE ), an ESA stand-alone mission and a possible contribution to the Origins Space Telescope 

      Burgarella, Denis; Bunker, Andrew; Bouwens, Rychard; Pagani, Laurent; Afonso, Jose; Atek, Hakim; Audard, Marc; Cabrit, Sylvie; Caputi, Karina; Ciesla, Laure; Conselice, Christopher; Cooray, Asantha; Cresci, Giovanni; Curti, Mirko; Espinosa, José Miguel Rodríguez; Ferrari, Marc; Kobayashi, Chiaki; Lagarde, Nadège; Maestro, Jesus Gallego; Maiolino, Roberto; Malek, Katarzyna; Mannucci, Filippo; Montillaud, Julien; Oesch, Pascal; Pearson, Chris; Pollo, Agnieszka; Reylé, Céline; Rosario, David; Sakon, Itsuki; Schaerer, Daniel; Sharples, Ray; Sobral, David; Zamkotsian, Frédéric (2021-07-18)
      We propose a new mission called Space Project for Astrophysical and Cosmological Exploration (SPACE) as part of the ESA long term planning Voyage 2050 programme. SPACE will study galaxy evolution at the earliest times, ...