Now showing items 1-20 of 34

    • The 2:1 resonant exoplanetary system orbiting HD 73526 

      Tinney, C.G.; Butler, R.P.; Marcy, G.W.; Jones, H.R.A.; Laughlin, G.; Carter, B.D.; Bailey, J.; O'Toole, S. (2006)
      We report the detection of a second exoplanet orbiting the G6 V dwarf HD 73526. This second planet has an orbital period of 377 days, putting it in a 2:1 resonance with the previously known exoplanet, the orbital period ...
    • The abundance distribution of stars with planets 

      Bond, J.; Tinney, C.G.; Butler, R.P.; Jones, H.R.A.; Marcy, G.W.; Penny, A.J.; Carter, B.D. (2006)
      We present the results of a uniform, high-precision spectroscopic metallicity study of 136 G-type stars from the Anglo-Australian Planet Search, 20 of which are known to harbour extrasolar planets (as at July 2005). ...
    • An activity catalogue of southern stars 

      Jenkins, J.S.; Jones, H.R.A.; Tinney, C.G.; Butler, R.P.; McCarthy, C.; Marcy, G.W.; Pinfield, D.J.; Carter, B.D.; Penny, A.J. (2006)
      We have acquired high-resolution echelle spectra of 225 F6-M5 type stars in the southern hemisphere. The stars are targets or candidates to be targets for the Anglo- Australian Planet Search. CaII HK line cores were used ...
    • Beyond the Iron Peak: r- and s-process Elemental Abundances in Stars with Planets 

      Bond, J.; Lauretta, D.S.; Tinney, C.G.; Butler, R.P.; Marcy, G.W.; Jones, H.R.A.; Carter, B.D.; O'Toole, S.; Bailey, J. (2008)
      We present elemental abundances of 118 stars (28 of which are known extrasolar planetary host stars) observed as part of the Anglo-Australian Planet Search. Abundances of O, Mg, Cr, Y, Zr, Ba, Nd, and Eu (along with ...
    • Catalog of nearby exoplanets 

      Butler, R.P.; Wright, J.T.; Marcy, G.W.; Fischer, D.A.; Vogt, S.; Tinney, C.G.; Jones, H.R.A.; Carter, B.D.; Johnson, J.A.; McCarthy, C.; Penny, A.J. (2006)
    • Characteristics of planetary candidates observed by Kepler II : Analysis of the first four months of data 

      Borucki, W.J.; Koch, D.G.; Basri, G.; Batalha, N.; Brown, T.M.; Bryson, S.T.; Caldwell, T.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.; Cochran, W.D.; DeVore, E.; Dunham, E.W.; Gautier, T.N.; Geary, J.C.; Gilliland, R.; Gould, A.; Howell, S.B.; Jenkins, J.M.; Latham, D.W.; Lissauer, J.J.; Marcy, G.W.; Rowe, J.; Sasselov, D.; Boss, A.; Charbonneau, D.; Ciardi, D.; Doyle, L.; Dupree, A.K.; Ford, E.B.; Fortney, J.; Holman, M.J.; Seager, S.; Steffen, J.H.; Tarter, J.; Welsh, W.F.; Allen, C.; Buchhave, L.A.; Christiansen, J.L.; Clarke, B.D.; Das, S.; Desert, J.M.; Endl, M.; Fabrycky, D.; Fressin, F.; Haas, M.; Horch, E.; Howard, A.; Isaacson, H.; Kjeldsen, H.; Kolodziejczak, J.; Kulesa, C.; Li, J.; Lucas, P.W.; Machalek, P.; McCarthy, D.; MacQueen, P.; Meibom, S.; Miquel, T.; Prsa, A.; Quinn, S.N.; Quintana, E.V.; Ragozzine, D.; Sherry, W.; Shpora, A.; Tenenbaum, P.; Torres, G.; Twicken, J.D.; Van Cleve, J.; Walkowicz, L.; Witteborn, F.C.; Still, M. (2011)
      On 2011 February 1 the Kepler mission released data for 156,453 stars observed from the beginning of the science observations on 2009 May 2 through September 16. There are 1235 planetary candidates with transit-like ...
    • Constraining the difference in convective blueshift between the components of alpha Centauri with precise radial velocities 

      Pourbaix, D.; Nidever, D.; Butler, R.P.; Tinney, C.G.; Marcy, G.W.; Jones, H.R.A.; Penny, A.J.; Carter, B.D.; Bouchy, F.; Pepe, F.; Hearnshaw, J.B.; Skulijan, J.; Ramm, D.; Kent, D. (2002-04)
      New radial velocities of Cen A & B obtained in the framework the Anglo-Australian Planet Search programme as well as in the CORALIE programme are added to those by Endl et al. (2001) to improve the precision of the orbital ...
    • Discovery and atmospheric characterization of giant planet Kepler-12b : An inflated radius outlier 

      Fortney, J.J.; Nutzman, P.; Miller, N.; Demory, B.-O.; Seager, S.; Désert, J.-M.; Buchhave, L.A.; Charbonneau, D.; Fressin, F.; Latham, D.W.; Geary, J.C.; Rowe, J.; Caldwell, D.A.; Jenkins, J.M.; Christiansen, J.L.; Marcy, G.W.; Isaacson, H.; Howard, A.; Knutson, H.A.; Buchhave, L.A.; Ciardi, D.; Gautier, T.N.; Batalha, N.M.; Bryson, S.T.; Howell, S.B.; Borucki, W.J.; Koch, D.; Lissauer, J.J.; Haas, M.R.; Everett, M.; Deming, D.; Brown, T.M.; Ford, E.B.; Gilliland, R.L.; Fischer, D.A.; Still, M.; Lucas, P.W.; Gillon, M. (2011-11-01)
      We report the discovery of planet Kepler-12b (KOI-20), which at 1.695 ± 0.030 R is among the handful of planets with super-inflated radii above 1.65 R. Orbiting its slightly evolved G0 host with a 4.438 day period, this ...
    • The distribution of transit durations for Kepler planet candidates and implications for their orbital eccentricities 

      Moorhead, A.V.; Ford, E.B.; Morehead, R.C.; Rowe, J.; Caldwell, D.A.; Jenkins, J.M.; Li, J.; Quintana, E.; Borucki, W.J.; Bryson, S.T.; Koch, D.G.; Jenkins, J.M.; Li, J.; Lissauer, J.J.; Quintana, E.; Batalha, N.M.; Fabrycky, D.C.; Gautier, T.N.; Holman, M.J.; Quinn, S.N.; Ragozzine, D.; Torres, G.; Lucas, P.W.; Marcy, G.W.; Shporer, A.; Still, M.; Shporer, A. (2011-11-01)
      Doppler planet searches have discovered that giant planets follow orbits with a wide range of orbital eccentricities, revolutionizing theories of planet formation. The discovery of hundreds of exoplanet candidates by NASA's ...
    • Echelle spectroscopy of CaII HK activity in Southern Hemisphere planet search targets 

      Tinney, C.G.; McCarthy, C.; Jones, H.R.A.; Butler, R.P.; Carter, B.D.; Marcy, G.W.; Penny, A.J. (2002-05)
    • An exoplanet in orbit around Tau1 Gruis 

      Jones, H.R.A.; Butler, R.P.; Tinney, C.G.; Marcy, G.W.; Penny, A.J.; McCarthy, C.; Carter, B.D. (2003-05)
      We report the detection of a new candidate exoplanet around the metal- rich star 1 Gruis. With M sin i = 1.23±0.18 MJUP, a period of 1326±300 d and an orbit with an eccentricity of 0.14±0.14 it adds to the growing popula- ...
    • Extrasolar planets around HD 196050, HD 216437 and HD 160691 

      Jones, H.R.A.; Butler, R.P.; Marcy, G.W.; Tinney, C.G.; Penny, A.J.; McCarthy, C.; Carter, B.D. (2002-12)
    • First Results from the Anglo-Australian Planet Search: A Brown Dwarf Candidate and a 51 Peg-like Planet 

      Tinney, C.G.; Butler, R.P.; Marcy, G.W.; Jones, H.R.A.; Penny, A.J.; Vogt, S.; Apps, K.; Henry, G.W. (2001-04)
    • Four new exoplanets and hints of additional substellar companions to exoplanet host stars 

      Wright, J.T.; Marcy, G.W.; Fischer, D.A.; Butler, R.P.; Vogt, S.; Tinney, C.G.; Jones, H.R.A.; Carter, B.D.; Johnson, J.A.; McCarthy, C.; Apps, K. (2007)
    • Four New Planets Orbiting Metal-enriched Stars 

      Tinney, C.G.; Butler, R.P.; Marcy, G.W.; Jones, H.R.A.; Penny, A.J.; Carter, B.D.; Bond, J. (2003-04)
    • The frequency of low-mass exoplanets 

      O'Toole, S.; Jones, H.R.A.; Tinney, C.G.; Butler, R.P.; Marcy, G.W.; Carter, B.D.; Bailey, J.; Wittenmyer, R. (2009)
      We report first results from the Anglo-Australian Telescope Rocky Planet Search—an intensive, high-precision Doppler planet search targeting low-mass exoplanets in contiguous 48 night observing blocks. On this run, we ...
    • HAT-P-14b: A 2.2Mj exoplanet transiting a bright F star 

      Torres, G.; Bakos, G.A.; Hartman, J.; Kovacs, G.; Noyes, R.W.; Latham, D.W.; Fischer, D.A.; Johnson, J.A.; Marcy, G.W.; Howard, A.W.; Sasselov, D.D.; Kipping, D.; Sipocz, B.; Stefanik, R.P.; Esquerdo, G.A.; Everett, M.E.; Lazar, J.; Papp, I.; Sari, P. (2010)
      We report the discovery of HAT-P-14b, a fairly massive transiting extrasolar planet orbiting the moderately bright star GSC 3086-00152 (V = 9.98), with a period of P = 4.627669 ± 0.000005 days. The transit is close to ...
    • HD10647 and the Distribution of Exoplanet Properties with semi-major axis 

      Jones, H.R.A.; Butler, R.P.; Tinney, C.G.; Marcy, G.W.; McCarthy, C.; Carter, B.D.; Penny, A.J. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2004)
      At this conference Mayor et al. announced evidence for an exoplanet in orbit around HD10647. Here we consider the Anglo-Australian Planet Search dataset for HD10647. Our dataset amply covers the claimed orbital period and ...
    • High-eccentricity planets from the Anglo-Australian planet search 

      Jones, H.R.A.; Butler, R.P.; Tinney, C.G.; Marcy, G.W.; Carter, B.D.; Penny, A.J.; McCarthy, C.; Bailey, J. (2006)
      We report Doppler measurements of the stars HD 187085 and HD 20782 which indi- cate two high eccentricity low-mass companions to the stars. We find HD 187085 has a Jupiter-mass companion with a 1000 d orbit. Our formal ...
    • The hot-Jupiter Kepler-17b : Discovery, obliquity from stroboscopic starspots, and atmospheric characterization 

      Désert, J.-M.; Charbonneau, D.; Ballard, S.; Carter, J.A.; Quinn, S.N.; Fressin, F.; Latham, D.W.; Torres, G.; Lissauer, J.J.; Sasselov, D.D.; Demory, B.-O.; Seager, S.; Winn, J.N.; Fortney, J.J.; Fabrycky, D.C.; Cochran, W.D.; Endl, M.; MacQueen, P.J.; Isaacson, H.T.; Knutson, H.A.; Marcy, G.W.; Buchhave, L.A.; Bryson, S.T.; Rowe, J.F.; Borucki, W.J.; Christiansen, J.L.; Haas, M.R.; Koch, D.; Batalha, N.M.; Brown, T.M.; Caldwell, D.A.; Jenkins, J.M.; Mullally, F.; Tenenbaum, P.; Deming, D.; Ford, E.B.; Gilliland, R.L.; Gillon, M.; Kinemuchi, K.; Still, M.; Lucas, P.W.; Uddin, K. (2011-11-01)
      This paper reports the discovery and characterization of the transiting hot giant exoplanet Kepler-17b. The planet has an orbital period of 1.486 days, and radial velocity measurements from the Hobby-Eberly Telescope show ...