Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Automatic continuity, unique Polish topologies, and Zariski topologies on monoids and clones 

      Elliott, L.; Jonusas, Julius; Mitchell, James D.; Morayne, Michal; Mesyan, Zak; Peresse, Yann (2023-08-22)
      In this paper we explore the extent to which the algebraic structure of a monoid M determines the topologies on M that are compatible withits multiplication. Specifically we study the notions of automatic continuity;minimal ...
    • The Bergman-Shelah Preorder on Transformation Semigroups 

      Mesyan, Zak; Mitchell, James D.; Morayne, Michal; Peresse, Yann (2012-11-01)
      Let $\nat^\nat$ be the semigroup of all mappings on the natural numbers $\nat$, and let $U$ and $V$ be subsets of $\nat^\nat$. We write $U\preccurlyeq V$ if there exists a countable subset $C$ of $\nat^\nat$ such that $U$ ...
    • Topological Graph Inverse Semigroups 

      Mesyan, Zak; Mitchell, J. D.; Morayne, Michal; Péresse, Y. H. (2016-08-01)
      To every directed graph $E$ one can associate a \emph{graph inverse semigroup} $G(E)$, where elements roughly correspond to possible paths in $E$. These semigroups generalize polycylic monoids, and they arise in the study ...
    • Topological transformation monoids 

      Mesyan, Zak; Mitchell, James D.; Peresse, Yann (arXiv, 2018-09-12)
      We investigate semigroup topologies on the full transformation monoid T(X) of an infinite set X. We show that the standard pointwise topology is the weakest Hausdorff semigroup topology on T(X), show that the pointwise ...