Now showing items 1-20 of 30

    • An ALMA survey of the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey UKIDSS/UDS field : Identifying candidate z~4.5 [CII] emitters 

      Cooke, E. A.; Smail, Ian; Swinbank, A. M.; Stach, S. M.; An, FangXia; Gullberg, B.; Almaini, O.; Simpson, C. J.; Wardlow, J. L.; Blain, A. W.; Chapman, S. C.; Chen, Chian-Chou; Conselice, C. J.; Coppin, K. E. K.; Farrah, D.; Maltby, D. T.; Michalowski, M. J.; Scott, D.; Thomson, A. P.; Werf, P. van der (2018-07-10)
      We report the results of a search for serendipitous [C ii] 157.74 μm emitters at z ≃ 4.4-4.7 using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). The search exploits the AS2UDS continuum survey, which covers ∼50 ...
    • ATCA detections of massive molecular gas reservoirs in dusty, high-z radio galaxies 

      Heywood, I.; Contreras, Y.; Smith, D. J. B.; Cooray, A.; Dunne, L.; Gomez, L.; Ibar, E.; Ivison, R. J.; Jarvis, M. J.; Michalowski, M. J.; Riechers, D. A.; Werf, P. van der (2016-10-27)
      Observations using the 7 mm receiver system on the Australia Telescope Compact Array have revealed large reservoirs of molecular gas in two high-redshift radio galaxies: HATLAS J090426.9+015448 (z = 2.37) and HATLAS ...
    • The average submillimetre properties of Lyman-alpha Blobs at z=3 

      Hine, N. K.; Geach, J. E.; Matsuda, Y.; Lehmer, B. D.; Michalowski, M. J.; Farrah, D.; Spaans, M.; Oliver, S. J.; Smith, D. J. B.; Chapman, S. C.; Jenness, T.; Alexander, D. M.; Robson, I.; Werf, P. van der (2016-08-21)
      Ly-alpha blobs (LABs) offer insight into the complex interface between galaxies and their circumgalactic medium. Whilst some LABs have been found to contain luminous star-forming galaxies and active galactic nuclei that ...
    • AzTEC half square degree survey of the SHADES fields - II : Identifications, redshifts and evidence for large-scale structure 

      Michalowski, M. J.; Dunlop, J.S.; Ivison, R.J.; Cirasuolo, M.; Caputi, K.I.; Aretxaga, I.; Arumugam, V.; Austermann, J.E.; Chapin, E.L.; Chapman, S.C.; Coppin, Kristen; Egami, E.; Hughes, D.H.; Ibar, E.; Mortier, A.M.J.; Schael, A.M.; Scott, K.S.; Smail, I.; Targett, T.A.; Wagg, J.; Wilson, G.W.; Xu, L.; Yun, M. (2012-11-01)
      The Astronomical Thermal Emission Camera (AzTEC) 1.1mm survey of the two SCUBA HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) fields is the largest (0.7 deg ) blank-field millimetre-wavelength (mm-wavelength) survey undertaken ...
    • Cold dust emission from X-ray AGN in the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey : dependence on luminosity, obscuration & AGN activity 

      Banerji, Manda; McMahon, R.G.; Willott, C.J.; Geach, James; Harrison, C. M.; Alaghband-Zadeh, S.; Alexander, D. M.; Bourne, N.; Coppin, Kristen; Dunlop, J. S.; Farrah, D.; Jarvis, M.; Michalowski, M. J.; Page, M.; Smith, Daniel; Swinbank, A.M.; Symeonidis, M.; van der Werf, P. P. (2015-11-21)
      We study the 850um emission in X-ray selected AGN in the 2 sq-deg COSMOS field using new data from the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey. We find 19 850um bright X-ray AGN in a high-sensitivity region covering 0.89 sq-deg ...
    • A comprehensive view of a strongly lensed planck-associated submillimeter galaxy 

      Fu, Hai; Jullo, E.; Cooray, A.; Bussmann, R. S.; Ivison, R. J.; Perez-Fournon, I.; Djorgovski, S.G.; Scoville, N.; Yan, L.; Riechers, D. A.; Aguirre, J.; Auld, R.; Baes, M.; Baker, A. J.; Bradford, M.; Cava, A.; Clements, D. L.; Dannerbauer, H.; Dariush, A.; De Zotti, G.; Dole, H.; Dunne, L.; Dye, S.; Eales, S.; Frayer, D.; Gavazzi, R.; Gurwell, M.; Harris, A.I.; Herranz, D.; Hopwood, R.; Hoyos, C.; Ibar, E.; Jarvis, M.J.; Kim, S.; Leeuw, L.; Lupu, R.; Maddox, S.; Martinez-Navajas, P.; Michalowski, M. J.; Negrello, M.; Omont, A.; Rosenman, M.; Scott, D.; Serjeant, S.; Smail, I.; Swinbank, A.M.; Valiante, E.; Verma, A.; Vieira, J.; Wardlow, J. L.; van der Werf, P. (2012-07-10)
      We present high-resolution maps of stars, dust, and molecular gas in a strongly lensed submillimeter galaxy (SMG) at z = 3.259. HATLAS J114637.9-001132 is selected from the Herschel-Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey ...
    • A deep ALMA image of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field 

      Dunlop, J. S.; McLure, R. J.; Biggs, A. D.; Geach, J. E.; Michalowski, M. J.; Ivison, R. J.; Rujopakarn, W.; Kampen, E. van; Kirkpatrick, A.; Pope, A.; Scott, D.; Swinbank, A. M.; Targett, T. A.; Aretxaga, I.; Austermann, J. E.; Best, P. N.; Bruce, V. A.; Chapin, E. L.; Charlot, S.; Cirasuolo, M.; Coppin, K. E. K.; Ellis, R. S.; Finkelstein, S. L.; Hayward, C. C.; Hughes, D. H.; Ibar, E.; Khochfar, S.; Koprowski, M. P.; Narayanan, D.; Papovich, C.; Peacock, J. A.; Robertson, B.; Vernstrom, T.; Werf, P. P. van der; Wilson, G. W.; Yun, M. (2017-04-01)
      We present the results of the first, deep ALMA imaging covering the full 4.5 sq arcmin of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) as previously imaged with WFC3/IR on HST. Using a mosaic of 45 pointings, we have obtained a ...
    • Dust attenuation in 2<z<3 star-forming galaxies from deep ALMA observations of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field 

      McLure, R. J.; Dunlop, J. S.; Cullen, F.; Bourne, N.; Best, P. N.; Khochfar, S.; Bowler, R. A. A.; Biggs, A. D.; Geach, J. E.; Scott, D.; Michalowski, M. J.; Rujopakarn, W.; Kampen, E. van; Kirkpatrick, A.; Pope, A. (2018-05-21)
      We present the results of a new study of the relationship between infrared excess (IRX ≡ L IR/L UV), ultraviolet (UV) spectral slope (β) and stellar mass at redshifts 2 < z < 3, based on a deep Atacama Large Millimeter ...
    • The environment and characteristics of low-redshift galaxies detected by the Herschel-ATLAS 

      Dariush, A.; Cortese, L.; Eales, S.; Pascale, E.; Smith, M. W. L.; Dunne, L.; Dye, S.; Scott, D.; Auld, R.; Baes, M.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Buttiglione, S.; Cava, A.; Clements, D. L.; Cooray, A.; Dezotti, G.; Driver, S.; Fritz, J.; Gomez, H.L.; Hopkins, A.; Hopwood, R.; Ivison, R.J.; Jarvis, M.J.; Jones, D. H.; Kelvin, L.; Khosroshahi, H. G.; Liske, J.; Loveday, J.; Maddox, S.; Madore, B. F.; Michalowski, M. J.; Norberg, P.; Phillipps, S.; Pohlen, M.; Popescu, C. C.; Prescott, M.; Rigby, E.; Robotham, A.; Rodighiero, G.; Seibert, M.; Smith, Daniel; Temi, P.; Tuffs, R. J.; van der Werf, P. (2011-11-01)
      We investigate the ultraviolet and optical properties and environment of low-redshift galaxies detected in the Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey (H-ATLAS) science demonstration data. We use the Sloan Digital ...
    • Evolution of cosmic star formation in the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey 

      Bourne, N.; Dunlop, J. S.; Merlin, E.; Parsa, S.; Schreiber, C.; Castellano, M.; Conselice, C. J.; Coppin, K. E. K.; Farrah, D.; Fontana, A.; Geach, J. E.; Halpern, M.; Knudsen, K. K.; Michalowski, M. J.; Mortlock, A.; Santini, P.; Scott, D.; Shu, X. W.; Simpson, C.; Simpson, J. M.; Smith, D. J. B.; Werf, P. van der (2017-05-21)
      We present a new exploration of the cosmic star-formation history and dust obscuration in massive galaxies at redshifts $0.5z 10^{10}M_\odot$ galaxies at $0.5z 10$. One third of this is accounted for by 450$\mu$m-detected ...
    • Far-infrared observations of an unbiased sample of gamma-ray burst host galaxies 

      Kohn, S.A.; Michalowski, M. J.; Bourne, N.; Baes, M.; Fritz, J.; Cooray, A.; De Looze, I.; De Zotti, G.; Dannerbauer, H.; Dunne, L.; Dye, S.; Eales, S.; Furlanetto, C.; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J.; Ibar, E.; Ivison, Rob J.; Maddox, S.J.; Scott, D.; Smith, Daniel; Smith, M.W.L.; Symeonidis, M.; Valiante, E. (2015-04-01)
      Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are the most energetic phenomena in the Universe; believed to result from the collapse and subsequent explosion of massive stars. Even though it has profound consequences for our understanding of ...
    • GAMA/H-ATLAS: the ultraviolet spectral slope and obscuration in galaxies 

      Wijesinghe, D. B.; da Cunha, E.; Hopkins, A. M.; Dunne, L.; Sharp, R.; Gunawardhana, M.; Brough, S.; Sadler, E.M.; Driver, S.; Baldry, I.; Bamford, S.; Liske, J.; Loveday, J.; Norberg, P.; Peacock, J.; Popescu, C. C.; Tuffs, R.; Andrae, E.; Auld, R.; Baes, M.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Buttiglione, S.; Cava, A.; Cameron, E.; Conselice, C. J.; Cooray, A.; Croom, S.; Dariush, A.; DeZotti, G.; Dye, S.; Eales, S.; Frenk, C.; Fritz, J.; Hill, D.; Hopwood, R.; Ibar, E.; Ivison, R.; Jarvis, M.J.; Jones, D. H.; van Kampen, E.; Kelvin, L.; Kuijken, K.; Maddox, S. J.; Madore, B.; Michalowski, M. J.; Nichol, B.; Parkinson, H.; Pascale, E.; Pimbblet, K. A.; Pohlen, M.; Prescott, M.; Rhodighiero, G.; Robotham, A. S. G.; Rigby, E. E.; Seibert, M.; Sergeant, S.; Smith, Daniel; Temi, P.; Sutherland, W.; Taylor, E.; Thomas, D.; van der Werf, P. (2011-08)
      We use multiwavelength data from the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) and Herschel-ATLAS (H-ATLAS) surveys to compare the relationship between various dust obscuration measures in galaxies. We explore the connections between ...
    • H-ATLAS/GAMA : The nature and characteristics of optically red galaxies detected at submillimetre wavelengths 

      Dariush, A.; Dib, S.; Hony, S.; Smith, D. J. B.; Zhukovska, S.; Dunne, L.; Eales, S.; Andrae, E.; Baes, M.; Baldry, I.; Bauer, A.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Brough, S.; Bourne, N.; Cava, A.; Clements, D.; Cluver, M.; Cooray, A.; Zotti, G. De; Driver, S.; Grootes, M. W.; Hopkins, A. M.; Hopwood, R.; Kaviraj, S.; Kelvin, L.; Lara-Lopez, M. A.; Liske, J.; Loveday, J.; Maddox, S.; Madore, B.; Michalowski, M. J.; Pearson, C.; Popescu, C.; Robotham, A.; Rowlands, K.; Seibert, M.; Shabani, F.; Smith, M. W. L.; Taylor, E. N.; Tuffs, R.; Valiante, E.; Virdee, J. S. (2016-02-21)
      We combine Herschel/SPIRE sub-millimeter (submm) observations with existing multi-wavelength data to investigate the characteristics of low redshift, optically red galaxies detected in submm bands. We select a sample of ...
    • Herschel -ATLAS/GAMA : a census of dust in optically selected galaxies from stacking at submillimetre wavelengths 

      Bourne, N.; Maddox, S. J.; Dunne, L.; Auld, R.; Baes, M.; Baldry, I. K.; Bonfield, D. G.; Cooray, A.; Croom, S. M.; Dariush, A.; de Zotti, G.; Driver, S. P.; Dye, S.; Eales, S.; Gomez, H.L.; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J.; Hopkins, A. M.; Ibar, E.; Jarvis, M.J.; Lapi, A.; Madore, B.; Michalowski, M. J.; Pohlen, M.; Popescu, C. C.; Rigby, E. E.; Seibert, M.; Smith, Daniel; Tuffs, R. J.; van der Werf, P.; Brough, S.; Buttiglione, S.; Cava, A.; Clements, D. L.; Conselice, C. J.; Fritz, J.; Hopwood, R.; Ivison, R. J.; Jones, D. H.; Kelvin, L. S.; Liske, J.; Loveday, J.; Norberg, P.; Robotham, A. S. G.; Rodighiero, G.; Temi, P. (2012-04)
      We use the Herschel-ATLAS survey to conduct the first large-scale statistical study of the submillimetre properties of optically selected galaxies. Using similar to 80 000 r-band selected galaxies from 126 deg2 of the GAMA ...
    • A Herschel*-ATLAS study of dusty spheroids : Probing the minor-merger process in the local Universe 

      Kaviraj, S.; Rowlands, K.; Alpaslan, M.; Dunne, L.; Ting, Y. S.; Bureau, M.; Shabala, S.; Lintott, C.J.; Smith, Daniel; Agius, N.; Auld, R.; Baes, M.; Bourne, N.; Cava, A.; Clements, D. L.; Cooray, A.; Dariush, A.; de Zotti, G.; Driver, S. P.; Eales, S.; Hopwood, R.; Hoyos, C.; Ibar, E.; Maddox, S.; Michalowski, M. J.; Sansom, A. E.; Smith, M.; Valiante, E. (2013-10)
      We use multiwavelength (0.12-500 μm) photometry from Herschel-ATLAS, WISE, UKIDSS, SDSS and GALEX to study 23 nearby spheroidal galaxies with prominent dust lanes (DLSGs). DLSGs are considered to be remnants of recent minor ...
    • Herschel-Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey: detection of a far-infrared population around galaxy clusters 

      Coppin, Kristen; Geach, James; Smail, Ian; Dunne, L.; Edge, A.C.; Ivison, R. J.; Maddox, S.; Auld, R.; Baes, M.; Buttiglione, S.; Cava, A.; Clements, D. L.; Cooray, A.; Dariush, A.; De Zotti, G.; Dye, S.; Eales, S.; Fritz, J.; Hopwood, R.; Ibar, E.; Jarvis, M.J.; Michalowski, M. J.; Murphy, D. N. A.; Negrello, M.; Pascale, E.; Pohlen, M.; Rigby, E.; Rodighiero, G.; Scott, D.; Serjeant, S.; Smith, Daniel; Temi, P.; van der Werf, P. (2011-09)
      We report the detection of a significant excess in the surface density of far-infrared sources from the Herschel-Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey within similar to 1Mpc of the centres of 66 optically selected ...
    • Herschel-ATLAS : VISTA VIKING near-infrared counterparts in the Phase 1 GAMA 9-h data 

      Fleuren, S.; Sutherland, W.; Dunne, L.; Smith, Daniel; Maddox, S. J.; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J.; Findlay, J.; Auld, R.; Baes, M.; Bond, N. A.; Bonfield, D. G.; Bourne, N.; Cooray, A.; Buttiglione, S.; Cava, A.; Dariush, A.; De Zotti, G.; Driver, S. P.; Dye, S.; Eales, S.; Fritz, J.; Gunawardhana, M. L. P.; Hopwood, R.; Ibar, E.; Ivison, R. J.; Jarvis, M.J.; Kelvin, L.; Lapi, A.; Liske, J.; Michalowski, M. J.; Negrello, M.; Pascale, E.; Pohlen, M.; Prescott, M.; Rigby, E. E.; Robotham, A.; Scott, D.; Temi, P.; Thompson, Mark; Valiante, E.; van der Werf, P. (2012-07)
      We identify near-infrared Ks-band counterparts to Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey (H-ATLAS) submillimetre (submm) sources, using a preliminary object catalogue from the VISTA Kilo-degree Infrared Galaxy ...
    • Herschel-ATLAS/GAMA: What determines the far-infrared properties of radio galaxies? 

      Virdee, J.S.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Rawlings, S.; Rigopoulou, D.; Mauch, T.; Jarvis, M.J.; Verma, A.; Smith, Daniel; Heywood, I.; White, S. V.; Baes, M.; Cooray, A.; de Zotti, G.; Eales, S.; Michalowski, M. J.; Bourne, N.; Dariush, A.; Dunne, L.; Hopwood, R.; Ibar, E.; Maddox, S.; Smith, M. W. L.; Valiante, E. (2013-06)
      We perform a stacking analysis of Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey (H-ATLAS) data in order to obtain isothermal dust temperatures and rest-frame luminosities at 250 mu m (L-250), for a well-defined sample ...
    • Herschel-ATLAS: far-infrared properties of radio-selected galaxies 

      Hardcastle, M.J.; Virdee, J.S.; Jarvis, M.J.; Bonfield, D.; Dunne, L.; Rawlings, S.; Stevens, J. A.; Christopher, N. M.; Heywood, I.; Mauch, Tom; Rigopoulou, D.; Verma, A.; Baldry, Ivan K.; Bamford, S. P.; Buttiglione, S.; Cava, A.; Clements, D. L.; Cooray, A.; Croom, S. M.; Dariush, A.; de Zotti, G.; Eales, S.; Fritz, J.; Hill, D. T.; Hughes, D.; Hopwood, R.; Ibar, E.; Ivison, Rob J.; Jones, D.H.; Loveday, J.; Maddox, S. J.; Michalowski, M. J.; Negrello, M.; Norberg, P.; Pohlen, M.; Prescott, M.; Rigby, E. E.; Robotham, A. S. G.; Rodighiero, G.; Scott, D.; Sharp, R.; Smith, Daniel; Temi, P.; van Kampen, E. (2010)
      We use the Herschel-Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey (ATLAS) science demonstration data to investigate the star formation properties of radio-selected galaxies in the GAMA-9h field as a function of radio luminosity ...
    • Herschel-ATLAS: the far-infrared-radio correlation at z <0.5 

      Jarvis, M.J.; Smith, Daniel; Bonfield, David G.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Falder, J. T.; Stevens, Jason; Ivison, R.J.; Auld, R.; Baes, M.; Baldry, I.K.; Bamford, S. P.; Bourne, N.; Buttiglione, S.; Cava, A.; Cooray, A.; Dariush, A.; de Zotti, G.; Dunlop, J. S.; Dunne, L.; Dye, S.; Eales, S.; Fritz, J.; Hill, D. T.; Hopwood, R.; Hughes, D.H.; Ibar, E.; Jones, D. H.; Kelvin, L.; Lawrence, A.; Leeuw, L.; Loveday, J.; Maddox, S. J.; Michalowski, M. J.; Negrello, M.; Norberg, P.; Pohlen, M.; Prescott, M.; Rigby, E. E.; Robotham, A.; Rodighiero, G.; Scott, D.; Sharp, R.; Temi, P.; Thompson, Mark; van der Werf, P.; van Kampen, E.; Vlahakis, C.; White, G. (2010)
      We use data from the Herschel-ATLAS to investigate the evolution of the far-infrared–radio correlation over the redshift range 0 < z < 0.5. Using the total far-infrared luminosity of all >5σ sources in the Herschel-ATLAS ...