Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • JINGLE V : Dust properties of nearby galaxies derived from hierarchical Bayesian SED fitting 

      Lamperti, Isabella; Saintonge, Amélie; Looze, Ilse De; Accurso, Gioacchino; Clark, Christopher J. R.; Smith, Matthew W. L.; Wilson, Christine D.; Brinks, Elias; Brown, Toby; Bureau, Martin; Clements, David L.; Eales, Stephen; Glass, David H. W.; Hwang, Ho Seong; Lee, Jong Chul; Lin, Lihwai; Michalowski, Michal J.; Sargent, Mark; Williams, Thomas G.; Xiao, Ting; Yang, Chentao (2019-11-01)
      We study the dust properties of 192 nearby galaxies from the JINGLE survey using photometric data in the 22-850 μm range. We derive the total dust mass, temperature T, and emissivity index β of the galaxies through the ...
    • JINGLE, a JCMT legacy survey of dust and gas for galaxy evolution studies : I. Survey overview and first results 

      Saintonge, Amelie; Wilson, Christine D.; Xiao, Ting; Lin, Lihwai; Hwang, Ho Seong; Tosaki, Tomoka; Bureau, Martin; Cigan, Phillip J.; Clark, Christopher J. R.; Clements, David L.; Looze, Ilse De; Dharmawardena, Thavisha; Gao, Yang; Gear, Walter K.; Greenslade, Joshua; Lamperti, Isabella; Lee, Jong Chul; Li, Cheng; Michalowski, Michal J.; Mok, Angus; Pan, Hsi-An; Sansom, Anne E.; Sargent, Mark; Smith, Matthew W. L.; Williams, Thomas; Yang, Chentao; Zhu, Ming; Accurso, Gioacchino; Barmby, Pauline; Bourne, Nathan; Brinks, Elias; Brown, Toby; Chung, Aeree; Chung, Eun Jung; Cibinel, Anna; Coppin, Kristen; Davies, Jonathan; Davis, Timothy A.; Eales, Steve; Fanciullo, Lapo; Fang, Taotao; Gao, Yu; Glass, David H. W.; Gomez, Haley L.; Greve, Thomas; He, Jinhua; Ho, Luis C.; Huang, Feng; Parsons, Harriet; Violino, Giulio (2018-12-11)
      JINGLE is a new JCMT legacy survey designed to systematically study the cold interstellar medium of galaxies in the local Universe. As part of the survey we perform 850 μm continuum measurements with SCUBA-2 for a ...
    • The MALATANG Survey : Dense Gas and Star Formation from High Transition HCN and HCO+ maps of NGC253 

      Jiang, Xue-Jian; Greve, Thomas R.; Gao, Yu; Zhang, Zhi-Yu; Tan, Qinghua; Grijs, Richard de; Ho, Luis C.; Michalowski, Michal J.; Currie, Malcolm J.; Wilson, Christine D.; Brinks, Elias; Ao, Yiping; Zhao, Yinghe; He, Jinhua; Harada, Nanase; Yang, Chentao; Jiao, Qian; Chung, Aeree; Lee, Bumhyun; Smith, Matthew W. L.; Liu, Daizhong; Matsushita, Satoki; Shi, Yong; Imanishi, Masatoshi; Rawlings, Mark G.; Zhu, Ming; Eden, David; Davis, Timothy A.; Li, Xiaohu (2020-03-24)
      To study the high-transition dense-gas tracers and their relationships to the star formation of the inner $\sim$ 2 kpc circumnuclear region of NGC253, we present HCN $J=4-3$ and HCO$^+ J=4-3$ maps obtained with the James ...
    • The MALATANG Survey : The L GAS-L IR Correlation on Sub-kiloparsec Scale in Six Nearby Star-forming Galaxies as Traced by HCN J = 4 → 3 and HCO + J = 4 → 3 

      Tan, Qing-Hua; Gao, Yu; Zhang, Zhi-Yu; Greve, Thomas R.; Jiang, Xue-Jian; Wilson, Christine D.; Yang, Chen-Tao; Bemis, Ashley; Chung, Aeree; Matsushita, Satoki; Shi, Yong; Ao, Yi-Ping; Brinks, Elias; Currie, Malcolm J.; Davis, Timothy A.; Grijs, Richard de; Ho, Luis C.; Imanishi, Masatoshi; Kohno, Kotaro; Lee, Bumhyun; Parsons, Harriet; Rawlings, Mark G.; Rigopoulou, Dimitra; Rosolowsky, Erik; Bulger, Joanna; Chen, Hao; Chapman, Scott C.; Eden, David; Gear, Walter K.; Gu, Qiu-Sheng; He, Jin-Hua; Jiao, Qian; Liu, Dai-Zhong; Liu, Li-Jie; Li, Xiao-Hu; Michalowski, Michal J.; Nguyen-Luong, Quang; Qiu, Jian-Jie; Smith, Matthew W. L.; Violino, Giulio; Wang, Jian-Fa; Wang, Jun-Feng; Wang, Jun-Zhi; Yeh, Sherry; Zhao, Ying-He; Zhu, Ming (2018-06-25)
      We present HCN J = 4→3 and HCO+ J = 4→3 maps of six nearby star-forming galaxies, NGC 253, NGC 1068, IC 342, M82, M83, and NGC 6946, obtained with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope as part of the MALATANG survey. All ...
    • The New Galaxy Evolution Paradigm Revealed by the Herschel Surveys 

      Eales, Stephen A.; Smith, Daniel; Bourne, Nathan; Loveday, Jon; Rowlands, Kate; Werf, Paul van der; Driver, Simon; Dunne, Loretta; Dye, Simon; Furlanetto, Christina; Ivison, R. J.; Maddox, Steve J.; Robotham, Aaron S. G.; Smith, Matthew W.L.; Taylor, Edward N.; Valiante, Elisabetta; Wright, Angus; Cigan, Philip; de Zotti, Gianfranco; Jarvis, Matt J.; Marchetti, Lucia; Michalowski, Michal J.; Phillipps, Steve; Viaene, Sebastian; Vlahakis, Catherine (2018-01-21)
      The Herschel Space Observatory has revealed a very different galaxyscape from that shown by optical surveys which presents a challenge for galaxy-evolution models. The Herschel surveys reveal (1) that there was rapid galaxy ...