Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • EARLINET observations of the 14-22-May long-range dust transport event during SAMUM 2006 : validation of results from dust transport modelling 

      Mueller, D.; Heinold, B.; Tesche, Matthias; Tegen, I.; Althausen, D.; Arboledas, L. Alados; Amiridis, V.; Amodeo, A.; Ansmann, A.; Balis, D.; Comeron, A.; D'amico, G.; Gerasopoulos, E.; Guerrero-Rascado, J. L.; Freudenthaler, V.; Giannakaki, E.; Heese, B.; Iarlori, M.; Knippertz, P.; Mamouri, R. E.; Mona, L.; Papayannis, A.; Pappalardo, G.; Perrone, R. -M.; Pisani, G.; Rizi, V.; Sicard, M.; Spinelli, N.; Tafuro, A.; Wiegner, M. (2009-02)
      We observed a long-range transport event of mineral dust from North Africa to South Europe during the Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment (SAMUM) 2006. Geometrical and optical properties of that dust plume were determined with ...
    • Four-dimensional distribution of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcanic cloud over Europe observed by EARLINET 

      Pappalardo, G.; Mona, L.; D'Amico, G.; Wandinger, U.; Adam, M.; Amodeo, A.; Ansmann, A.; Apituley, A.; Alados Arboledas, L.; Balis, D.; Boselli, A.; Bravo-Aranda, J. A.; Chaikovsky, A.; Comeron, A.; Cuesta, J.; De Tomasi, F.; Freudenthaler, V.; Gausa, M.; Giannakaki, E.; Giehl, H.; Giunta, A.; Grigorov, I.; Groß, S.; Haeffelin, M.; Hiebsch, A.; Iarlori, M.; Lange, D.; Linné, H.; Madonna, F.; Mattis, I.; Mamouri, R. E.; McAuliffe, M. A. P.; Mitev, V.; Molero, F.; Navas-Guzman, F.; Nicolae, D.; Papayannis, A.; Perrone, M. R.; Pietras, C.; Pietruczuk, A.; Pisani, G.; Preißler, J.; Pujadas, M.; Rizi, V.; Ruth, A. A.; Schmidt, J.; Schnell, F.; Seifert, P.; Serikov, I.; Sicard, M.; Simeonov, V.; Spinelli, N.; Stebel, K.; Tesche, Matthias; Trickl, T.; Wang, X.; Wagner, F.; Wiegner, M.; Wilson, K. M. (2013-04-29)
      The eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallaj ökull in April-May 2010 represents a "natural experiment" to study the impact of volcanic emissions on a continental scale. For the first time, quantitative data about the ...
    • Lidar measurements for desert dust characterization : an overview 

      Mona, L.; Liu, Z.; Mueller, D.; Omar, A.; Papayannis, A.; Pappalardo, G.; Sugimoto, N.; Vaughan, M. (2012)
      We provide an overview of light detection and ranging (lidar) capability for describing and characterizing desert dust. This paper summarizes lidar techniques, observations, and fallouts of desert dust lidar measurements. ...
    • Measuring atmospheric composition change 

      Laj, P.; Klausen, J.; Bilde, M.; Plass-Duelmer, C.; Pappalardo, G.; Clerbaux, C.; Baltensperger, U.; Hjorth, J.; Simpson, D.; Reimann, S.; Coheur, P. -F.; Richter, A.; De Maziere, M.; Rudich, Y.; McFiggans, G. B.; Torseth, K.; Wiedensohler, A.; Morin, S.; Schulz, M.; Allan, J. D.; Attie, J.-L.; Barnes, I.; Birmili, W.; Cammas, J. P.; Dommen, J.; Dorn, H. -P.; Fowler, D.; Fuzzi, S.; Glasius, M.; Granier, C.; Hermann, M.; Isaksen, I. S. A.; Kinne, S.; Koren, I.; Madonna, F.; Maione, M.; Massling, A.; Moehler, O.; Mona, L.; Monks, P. S.; Mueller, D.; Mueller, T.; Orphal, J.; Peuch, V.H.; Stratmann, F.; Tanre, D.; Tyndall, G.; Riziq, A. Abo; Van Roozendael, M.; Villani, P.; Wehner, B.; Wex, H.; Zardini, A. A. (2009-10)
      Scientific findings from the last decades have clearly highlighted the need for a more comprehensive approach to atmospheric change processes. In fact, observation of atmospheric composition variables has been an important ...
    • Systematic lidar observations of Saharan dust over Europe in the frame of EARLINET (2000-2002) 

      Papayannis, A.; Amiridis, V.; Mona, L.; Tsaknakis, G.; Balis, D.; Boesenberg, J.; Chaikovski, A.; De Tomasi, F.; Grigorov, I.; Mattis, I.; Mitev, V.; Mueller, D.; Nickovic, S.; Perez, C.; Pietruczuk, A.; Pisani, G.; Ravetta, F.; Rizi, V.; Sicard, M.; Trickl, T.; Wiegner, M.; Gerding, M.; Mamouri, R. E.; D'Amico, G.; Pappalardo, G. (2008-05-29)
      More than 130 observation days of the horizontal and vertical extent of Saharan dust intrusions over Europe during the period May 2000 to December 2002 were studied by means of a coordinated lidar network in the frame of ...