Now showing items 1-14 of 14

    • The almost ubiquitous association of 6.7-GHz methanol masers with dust 

      Urquhart, J.S.; Moore, T. J. T.; Menten, K. M.; Koenig, C.; Wyrowski, F.; Thompson, M.A.; Csengeri, T.; Leurini, S.; Eden, D.J. (2015-02)
      We report the results of 870-μm continuum observations, using the Large APEX Bolometer Camera, towards 77 class-II, 6.7-GHz methanol masers identified by the Methanol MultiBeam (MMB) survey to map the thermal emission from ...
    • ATLASGAL - properties of a complete sample of Galactic clumps 

      Urquhart, J.S.; Koenig, C.; Giannetti, A.; Leurini, S.; Moore, T. J. T.; Eden, D.~J.; Pillai, T.; Thompson, M. A.; Braiding, C.; Burton, M. G.; Csengeri, T.; Dempsey, J. T.; Figura, C.C.; Froebrich, D.; Menten, K.~M.; Schuller, F.; Smith, M. D.; Wyrowski, F. (2018-01-01)
      The APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy (ATLASGAL) is an unbiased 870 μm submillimetre survey of the inner Galactic plane (|ℓ| < 60° with |b| < 1.°5). It is the largest and most sensitive ground-based submillimetre ...
    • ATLASGAL - towards a complete sample of massive star forming clumps 

      Urquhart, J.S.; Moore, T. J. T.; Csengeri, T.; Wyrowski, F.; Schuller, F.; Hoare, M.G.; Lumsden, S. L.; Mottram, J. C.; Thompson, M.A.; Menten, K. M.; Walmsley, C.M.; Bronfman, L.; Pfalzner, S.; König, C.; Wienen, M. (2014-09-11)
      By matching infrared-selected, massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) and compact HII regions in the Red MSX Source survey to massive clumps found in the submillimetre ATLASGAL (APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy) ...
    • ATLASGAL -- physical parameters of dust clumps associated with 6.7 GHz methanol masers 

      Billington, S. J.; Urquhart, J. S.; Konig, C.; Moore, T. J. T.; Eden, D. J.; Breen, S. L.; Kim, W. -J.; Thompson, M. A.; Ellingsen, S. P.; Menten, K. M.; Wyrowski, F.; Leurini, S. (2019-12-01)
      We have constructed the largest sample of dust-associated class II 6.7 GHz methanol masers yet obtained. New measurements from the the Methanol MultiBeam (MMB) Survey were combined with the 870 $\mu$m APEX Telescope Large ...
    • ATLASGAL -- Relationship between dense star forming clumps and interstellar masers 

      Billington, S. J.; Urquhart, J. S.; König, C.; Beuther, H.; Breen, S. L.; Menten, K. M.; Campbell-White, J.; Ellingsen, S. P.; Thompson, M. A.; Moore, T. J. T.; Eden, D. J.; Kim, W. -J.; Leurini, S. (2020-09-29)
      We have used catalogues from several Galactic plane surveys and dedicated observations to investigate the relationship between various maser species and Galactic star forming clumps, as identified by the ATLASGAL survey. ...
    • ATLASGAL --- Molecular fingerprints of a sample of massive star forming clumps 

      Urquhart, J. S.; Figura, C.; Wyrowski, F.; Giannetti, A.; Kim, W. -J.; Wienen, M.; Leurini, S.; Pillai, T.; Csengeri, T.; Gibson, S. J.; Menten, K.; Moore, T. J. T.; Thompson, M. A. (2019-04-21)
      We have conducted a 3-mm molecular-line survey towards 570 high-mass star-forming clumps, using the Mopra telescope. The sample is selected from the 10 000 clumps identified by the ATLASGAL (APEX Telescope Large Area Survey ...
    • Characteristic scale of star formation. I. Clump formation efficiency on local scales 

      Eden, D. J.; Moore, T. J. T.; Plume, R.; Rigby, A. J.; Urquhart, J. S.; Marsh, K. A.; Peñaloza, C. H.; Clark, P. C.; Smith, M. W. L.; Tahani, K.; Ragan, S. E.; Thompson, M. A.; Johnstone, D.; Parsons, H.; Rani, R. (2020-10-16)
      We have used the ratio of column densities (CDR) derived independently from the 850-$\mu$m continuum JCMT Plane Survey (JPS) and the $^{13}$CO/C$^{18}$O $(J=3-2)$ Heterodyne Inner Milky Way Plane Survey (CHIMPS) to produce ...
    • CHIMPS2 : Survey description and $^{12}$CO emission in the Galactic Centre 

      Eden, D. J.; Moore, T. J. T.; Currie, M. J.; Rigby, A. J.; Rosolowsky, E.; Su, Y.; Kim, Kee-Tae; Parsons, H.; Morata, O.; Chen, H. -R.; Minamidani, T.; Park, Geumsook; Ragan, S. E.; Urquhart, J. S.; Rani, R.; Tahani, K.; Billington, S. J.; Deb, S.; Figura, C.; Fujiyoshi, T.; Joncas, G.; Liao, L. W.; Liu, T.; Ma, H.; Tuan-Anh, P.; Yun, Hyeong-Sik; Zhang, S.; Zhu, M.; Henshaw, J. D.; Longmore, S. N.; Kobayashi, M. I. N.; Thompson, M. A.; Ao, Y.; Campbell-White, J.; Ching, T. -C.; Chung, E. J.; Duarte-Cabral, A.; Fich, M.; Gao, Y.; Graves, S. F.; Jiang, X. -J.; Kemper, F.; Kuan, Y. -J.; Kwon, W.; Lee, C. W.; Lee, J. -E.; Liu, M.; Penaloza, C. H.; Peretto, N.; Phuong, N. T.; Pineda, J. E.; Plume, R.; Puspitaningrum, E.; Samal, M. R.; Soam, A.; Sun, Y.; Tang, X. D.; Traficante, A.; White, G. J.; Yan, C. -H.; Yang, A.; Yuan, J.; Yue, N.; Bemis, A.; Brunt, C. M.; Chen, Z.; Cho, J.; Clark, P. C.; Cyganowski, C. J.; Friberg, P.; Fuller, G. A.; Han, I.; Hoare, M. G.; Izumi, N.; Kim, H. -J.; Kim, J.; Kim, S.; Koch, E. W.; Kuno, N.; Lacialle, K. M.; Lai, S. -P.; Lee, H. Lee Y. -H.; Li, D. L.; Liu, S. -Y.; Mairs, S.; Oka, T.; Pan, Z.; Qian, L.; Scicluna, P.; Shi, C. -S.; Shi, H.; Srinivasan, S.; Tan, Q. -H.; Thomas, H. S.; Torii, K.; Trejo, A.; Umemoto, T.; Violino, G.; Wallstrom, S.; Wang, B.; Wu, Y.; Yuan, L.; Zhang, C.; Zhang, M.; Zhou, C.; Zhou, J. J. (2020-09-10)
      The latest generation of Galactic-plane surveys is enhancing our ability to study the effects of galactic environment upon the process of star formation. We present the first data from CO Heterodyne Inner Milky Way Plane ...
    • CHIMPS: Physical properties of molecular clumps across the inner Galaxy 

      Rigby, A. J.; Moore, T. J. T.; Eden, D. J.; Urquhart, J. S.; Ragan, S. E.; Peretto, N.; Plume, R.; Thompson, M. A.; Currie, M. J.; Park, G. (2019-12-01)
      The latest generation of high-angular-resolution unbiased Galactic plane surveys in molecular-gas tracers are enabling the interiors of molecular clouds to be studied across a range of environments. The CHIMPS survey ...
    • Extreme star formation in the Milky Way: luminosity distributions of young stellar objects in W49A and W51 

      Eden, D. J.; Moore, T. J. T.; Urquhart, J. S.; Elia, D.; Plume, R.; Konig, C.; Baldeschi, A.; Schisano, E.; Rigby, A. J.; Morgan, L. K.; Thompson, M. A. (2018-07-01)
      We have compared the star-formation properties of the W49A and W51 regions by using far-infrared data from the Herschel infrared Galactic Plane Survey (Hi-GAL) and 850-μm observations from the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope ...
    • H2O Southern Galactic Plane Survey (HOPS) : Paper III - Properties of Dense Molecular Gas across the Inner Milky Way 

      Longmore, S.~N.; Walsh, A.J.; Purcell, C.R.; Burke, D. J.; Henshaw, J.~D.; Walker, D.; Urquhart, J.S.; Barnes, A. T.; Whiting, M.; Burton, M. G.; Breen, S.L.; Britton, T.; Brooks, K.J.; Cunningham, Maria R.; Green, J. A.; Harvey-Smith, L.; Hindson, L.; Hoare, M.G.; Indermuehle, B.; Jones, P. A.; Tsiolas, N.; Lowe, V.; Moore, T. J. T.; Thompson, M. A.; Voronkov, M. A. (2017-09-01)
      The H2O Southern Galactic Plane Survey (HOPS) has mapped 100 square degrees of the Galactic plane for water masers and thermal molecular line emission using the 22-m Mopra telescope. We describe the automated spectral-line ...
    • Hi-GAL, the Herschel infrared Galactic Plane Survey : photometric maps and compact source catalogues. First data release for Inner Milky Way: +68°> l > -70° 

      Molinari, S.; Schisano, E.; Elia, D.; Pestalozzi, M.; Traficante, A.; Pezzuto, S.; Swinyard, B. M.; Noriega-Crespo, A.; Bally, J.; Moore, T. J. T.; Plume, R.; Zavagno, A.; Giorgio, A. M. di; Liu, S. J.; Pilbratt, G. L.; Mottram, J. C.; Russeil, D.; Piazzo, L.; Veneziani, M.; Benedettini, M.; Calzoletti, L.; Faustini, F.; Natoli, P.; Piacentini, F.; Merello, M.; Palmese, A.; Grande, R. Del; Polychroni, D.; Rygl, K. L. J.; Polenta, G.; Barlow, M. J.; Bernard, J. -P.; Martin, P. G.; Testi, L.; Ali, B.; Andrè, P.; Beltrán, M. T.; Billot, N.; Brunt, C.; Carey, S.; Cesaroni, R.; Compiègne, M.; Eden, D.; Fukui, Y.; Garcia-Lario, P.; Hoare, M. G.; Huang, M.; Joncas, G.; Lim, T. L.; Lord, S. D.; Martinavarro-Armengol, S.; Motte, F.; Paladini, R.; Paradis, D.; Peretto, N.; Robitaille, T.; Schilke, P.; Schneider, N.; Schulz, B.; Sibthorpe, B.; Strafella, F.; Thompson, M. A.; Umana, G.; Ward-Thompson, D.; Wyrowski, F. (2016-07-04)
      (Abridged) We present the first public release of high-quality data products (DR1) from Hi-GAL, the {\em Herschel} infrared Galactic Plane Survey. Hi-GAL is the keystone of a suite of continuum Galactic Plane surveys from ...
    • The JCMT Plane Survey : First complete data release - emission maps and compact source catalogue 

      Eden, D.~J.; Moore, T. J. T.; Plume, R.; Urquhart, J.S.; Thompson, M. A.; Parsons, H.; Dempsey, J. T.; Rigby, A.~J.; Morgan, L. K.; Thomas, H. S.; Berry, D J; Buckle, J.; Brunt, Christopher M.; Butner, H. M.; Carretero, D.; Chrysostomou, A.; Currie, M. J.; deVilliers, H.~M.; Fich, M.; Gibb, A. G.; Hoare, M.G.; Jenness, T.; Manser, G.; Mottram, J.~C.; Natario, C.; Olguin, F.; Peretto, N.; Pestalozzi, M.; Polychroni, D.; Redman, R.~O.; Salji, C.; Summers, L.~J.; Tahani, K.; Traficante, A.; diFrancesco, J.; Evans, A.; Fuller, G. A.; Johnstone, D.; Joncas, G.; Longmore, S.~N.; Martin, Gary P; Richer, J. S.; Weferling, B.; White, Glenn J.; Zhu, M. (2017-08-01)
      We present the first data release of the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) Plane Survey (JPS), the JPS Public Release 1 (JPSPR1). JPS is an 850-um continuum survey of six fields in the northern inner Galactic Plane in ...
    • The RMS survey : Galactic distribution of massive star formation 

      Urquhart, J.S.; Figura, C.C.; Moore, T. J. T.; Hoare, M.G.; Lumsden, S. L.; Mottram, J.C.; Thompson, Mark; Oudmaijer, R.D. (2013-11)
      We have used the well-selected sample of~1750 embedded, young, massive stars identified by the Red MSX Source (RMS) survey to investigate the Galactic distribution of recent massive star formation. We present molecular ...