Now showing items 1-20 of 24

    • Cosmic evolution of radio-AGN feedback: confronting models with data 

      Kondapally, R.; Best, P. N.; Raouf, M.; Thomas, N. L.; Davé, R.; Shabala, S. S.; Röttgering, H. J. A.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Bonato, M.; Cochrane, R. K.; Małek, K.; Morabito, L. K.; Prandoni, I.; Smith, D. J. B. (2023-08-30)
      Radio-mode feedback is a key ingredient in galaxy formation and evolution models, required to reproduce the observed properties of massive galaxies in the local Universe. We study the cosmic evolution of radio-active ...
    • The e-MERLIN Galaxy Evolution Survey (e-MERGE) : Overview and Survey Description 

      Muxlow, T. W. B.; Wrigley, N. H.; Beswick, R. J.; Smail, Ian; McHardy, I. M.; Garrington, S. T.; Ivison, R. J.; Jarvis, M. J.; Prandoni, I.; Bondi, M.; Guidetti, D.; Argo, M. K.; Bacon, David; Best, P. N.; Biggs, A. D.; Chapman, S. C.; Coppin, K.; Chen, H.; Garratt, T. K.; Garrett, M. A.; Ibar, E.; Kneib, Jean-Paul; Knudsen, Kirsten K.; Koopmans, L. V. E.; Morabito, L. K.; Njeri, A.; Pearson, Chris; Perez-Torres, M. A.; Rottgering, H. J. A.; Sargent, M. T.; Serjeant, Stephen; Swinbank, A. M.; Varenius, E.; Venturi, T. (2020-05-08)
      We present an overview and description of the eMERLIN Galaxy Evolution survey (eMERGE) Data Release 1 (DR1), a large program of high-resolution 1.5 GHz radio observations of the GOODS-N field comprising $\sim140$ hours of ...
    • Exploring the radio-loudness of SDSS quasars with spectral stacking 

      Arnaudova, M. I.; Smith, D. J. B.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Das, Soumyadeep; Drake, A.; Duncan, Kenneth; Gürkan, G.; Magliocchetti, M.; Morabito, L. K.; Petley, J. W.; Shenoy, S.; Tasse, C. (2024-01-22)
      We use new 144 MHz observations over 5634 deg 2 from the LOFAR (Low Frequency Array) Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) to compile the largest sample of uniformly selected, spectroscopically confirmed quasars from the 14th data ...
    • The intergalactic magnetic field probed by a giant radio galaxy 

      O'Sullivan, S. P.; Machalski, J.; Eck, C. L. Van; Heald, G.; Brueggen, M.; Fynbo, J. P. U.; Heintz, K. E.; Lara-Lopez, M. A.; Vacca, V.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Shimwell, T. W.; Tasse, C.; Vazza, F.; Andernach, H.; Birkinshaw, M.; Haverkorn, M.; Horellou, C.; Williams, W. L.; Harwood, J. J.; Brunetti, G.; Anderson, J. M.; Mao, S. A.; Nikiel-Wroczynski, B.; Takahashi, K.; Carretti, E.; Vernstrom, T.; Weeren, R. J. van; Orru, E.; Morabito, L. K.; Callingham, J. R. (2018-10-09)
      Cosmological simulations predict that an intergalactic magnetic field (IGMF) pervades the large scale structure (LSS) of the Universe. Measuring the IGMF is important to determine its origin (i.e. primordial or otherwise). ...
    • LOFAR 150-MHz observations of the Boötes field: Catalogue and Source Counts 

      Williams, W. L.; Van Weeren, R. J.; Röttgering, H. J. A.; Best, P.; Dijkema, T. J.; Gasperin, F. de; Hardcastle, M. J.; Heald, G.; Prandoni, I.; Sabater, J.; Shimwell, T. W.; Tasse, C.; Bemmel, I. M. van; Brüggen, M.; Brunetti, G.; Conway, J. E.; Enßlin, T.; Engels, D.; Falcke, H.; Ferrari, C.; Haverkorn, M.; Jackson, N.; Jarvis, M. J.; Kapinska, A. D.; Mahony, E. K.; Miley, G. K.; Morabito, L. K.; Morganti, R.; Orrú, E.; Retana-Montenegro, E.; Sridhar, S. S.; Toribio, M. C.; White, G. J.; Wise, M. W.; Zwart, J. T. L. (2016-08-11)
      We present the first wide area (19 deg$^2$), deep ($\approx120-150$ {\mu}Jy beam$^{-1}$), high resolution ($5.6 \times 7.4$ arcsec) LOFAR High Band Antenna image of the Bo\"otes field made at 130-169 MHz. This image is at ...
    • The LOFAR LBA Sky Survey I. survey description and preliminary data release 

      Gasperin, F. de; Williams, W. L.; Best, P.; Bruggen, M.; Brunetti, G.; Cuciti, V.; Dijkema, T. J.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Norden, M. J.; Offringa, A.; Shimwell, T.; Weeren, R. van; Bomans, D.; Bonafede, A.; Botteon, A.; Callingham, J. R.; Cassano, R.; Chyzy, K. T.; Emig, K. L.; Edler, H.; Haverkorn, M.; Heald, G.; Heesen, V.; Iacobelli, M.; Intema, H. T.; Kadler, M.; Malek, K.; Mevius, M.; Miley, G.; Mingo, B.; Morabito, L. K.; Sabater, J.; Morganti, R.; Orru, E.; Pizzo, R.; Prandoni, I.; Shulevski, A.; Tasse, C.; Vaccari, M.; Zarka, P.; Rottgering, H. (2021-02-17)
      Context. The LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR)istheonlyradiotelescopethatispresentlycapableofhigh-sensitivity,high-resolution (i.e. < 1mJybeam−1 and < 1500) observations at ultra-low frequencies(< 100MHz). To utilise these ...
    • LOFAR MSSS: Discovery of a 2.56 Mpc giant radio galaxy associated with a disturbed galaxy group 

      Clarke, A. O.; Heald, G.; Jarrett, T.; Bray, J. D.; Hardcastle, Martin; Cantwell, T. M.; Scaife, A. M. M.; Brienza, M.; Bonafede, A.; Breton, R. P.; Broderick, J. W.; Carbone, D.; Croston, J. H.; Farnes, J. S.; Harwood, J. J.; Heesen, V.; Horneffer, A.; Horst, A. J. van der; Iacobelli, M.; Jurusik, W.; Kokotanekov, G.; McKean, J. P.; Morabito, L. K.; Mulcahy, D. D.; Nikiel-Wroczynski, B. S.; Orru, E.; Paladino, R.; Pandey-Pommier, M.; Pietka, M.; Pizzo, R.; Pratley, L.; Riseley, C. J.; Rottgering, H. J. A.; Rowlinson, A.; Sabater, J.; Sendlinger, K.; Shulevski, A.; Sridhar, S. S.; Stewart, A. J.; Tasse, C.; Velzen, S. van; Weeren, R. J. van; Wise, M. W. (2017-05-01)
      We report on the discovery in the LOFAR Multifrequency Snapshot Sky Survey (MSSS) of a giant radio galaxy (GRG) with a projected size of $2.56 \pm 0.07$ Mpc projected on the sky. It is associated with the galaxy triplet ...
    • The LOFAR Multifrequency Snapshot Sky Survey (MSSS) : I. Survey description and first results 

      Heald, G. H.; Pizzo, R. F.; Orrú, E.; Breton, R. P.; Carbone, D.; Ferrari, C.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Jurusik, W.; Macario, G.; Mulcahy, D.; Rafferty, D.; Asgekar, A.; Brentjens, M.; Fallows, R. A.; Frieswijk, W.; Toribio, M. C.; Adebahr, B.; Arts, M.; Bell, M. R.; Bonafede, A.; Bray, J.; Broderick, J.; Cantwell, T.; Carroll, P.; Cendes, Y.; Clarke, A. O.; Croston, J. H.; Daiboo, S.; De Gasperin, F.; Gregson, J.; Harwood, J.; Hassall, T.; Heesen, V.; Horneffer, A.; van der Horst, A.J.; Iacobelli, M.; Jelić, V.; Jones, D.; Kant, D.; Kokotanekov, G.; Martin, P.; McKean, J. P.; Morabito, L. K.; Nikiel-Wroczyński, B.; Offringa, A.; Pandey, V. N.; Pandey-Pommier, M.; Pietka, M.; Pratley, L.; Riseley, C.; Rowlinson, A.; Sabater, J.; Scaife, A. M. M.; Scheers, L. H. A.; Sendlinger, K.; Shulevski, A.; Sipior, M.; Sobey, C.; Stewart, A. J.; Stroe, A.; Swinbank, J.; Tasse, C.; Trüstedt, J.; Varenius, E.; Van Velzen, S.; Vilchez, N.; Van Weeren, R. J.; Wijnholds, S.; Williams, W. L.; de Bruyn, A. G.; Nijboer, R.; Wise, M.; Alexov, A.; Anderson, J.; Avruch, I. M.; Beck, R.; Bell, M. E.; Van Bemmel, I.; Bentum, M. J.; Bernardi, G.; Best, P.; Breitling, F.; Brouw, W. N.; Brüggen, M.; Butcher, H. R.; Ciardi, B.; Conway, J. E.; De Geus, E.; De Jong, A.; De Vos, M.; Deller, A.; Dettmar, R. J.; Duscha, S.; Eislöffel, J.; Engels, D.; Falcke, H.; Fender, R.; Garrett, M.A.; Grießmeier, J.; Gunst, A. W.; Hamaker, J. P.; Hessels, J. W. T.; Hoeft, M.; Hörandel, J.; Holties, H. A.; Intema, H.; Jackson, N. J.; Jütte, E.; Karastergiou, A.; Klijn, W. F. A.; Kondratiev, V. I.; Koopmans, L. V. E.; Kuniyoshi, M.; Kuper, G.; Law, C.; Van Leeuwen, J.; Loose, M.; Maat, P.; Markoff, S.; McFadden, R.; McKay-Bukowski, D.; Mevius, M.; Miller-Jones, J. C A; Morganti, R.; Munk, H.; Nelles, A.; Noordam, J. E.; Norden, M. J.; Paas, H.; Polatidis, A. G.; Reich, W.; Renting, A.; Röttgering, H.; Schoenmakers, A.; Schwarz, D.; Sluman, J.; Smirnov, O.; Stappers, B. W.; Steinmetz, M.; Tagger, M.; Tang, Y.; Ter Veen, S.; Thoudam, S.; Vermeulen, R.; Vocks, C.; Vogt, C.; Wijers, R.A.M.J.; Wucknitz, O.; Yatawatta, S.; Zarka, P. (2015-10-01)
      We present the Multifrequency Snapshot Sky Survey (MSSS), the first northern-sky Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) imaging survey. In this introductory paper, we first describe in detail the motivation and design of the survey. ...
    • The LOFAR Two Meter Sky Survey : Deep Fields Data Release 1, I -- Direction-dependent calibration and imaging 

      Tasse, C.; Shimwell, T.; Hardcastle, M. J.; O'Sullivan, S. P.; Weeren, R. van; Best, P. N.; Bester, L.; Hugo, B.; Smirnov, O.; Sabater, J.; Calistro-Rivera, G.; Gasperin, F. de; Morabito, L. K.; Röttgering, H.; Williams, W. L.; Bonato, M.; Bondi, M.; Botteon, A.; Brüggen, M.; Brunetti, G.; Chyży, K. T.; Garrett, M. A.; Gürkan, G.; Jarvis, M. J.; Kondapally, R.; Mandal, S.; Prandoni, I.; Repetti, A.; Retana-Montenegro, E.; Schwarz, D. J.; Shulevski, A.; Wiaux, Y. (2021-04-07)
      The Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) is an ideal instrument to conduct deep extragalactic surveys. It has a large field of view and is sensitive to large scale and compact emission. It is, however, very challenging to synthesize ...
    • The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) III. First Data Release: optical/IR identifications and value-added catalogue 

      Williams, W. L.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Best, P. N.; Sabater, J.; Croston, J. H.; Duncan, K. J.; Shimwell, T. W.; Röttgering, H. J. A.; Nisbet, D.; Gürkan, G.; Alegre, L.; Cochrane, R. K.; Goyal, A.; Hale, C. L.; Jackson, N.; Jamrozy, M.; Kondapally, R.; Kunert-Bajraszewska, M.; Mahatma, V. H.; Mingo, B.; Morabito, L. K.; Prandoni, I.; Roskowinski, C.; Shulevski, A.; Smith, D. J. B.; Tasse, C.; Urquhart, S.; Webster, B.; White, G. J.; Beswick, R. J.; Callingham, J. R.; Chyży, K. T.; Gasperin, F. de; Harwood, J. J.; Hoeft, M.; Iacobelli, M.; McKean, J. P.; Mechev, A. P.; Miley, G. K.; Schwarz, D. J.; Weeren, R. J. van (2018-11-09)
      The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) is an ongoing sensitive, high-resolution 120-168 MHz survey of the Northern sky with diverse and ambitious science goals. Many of the scientific objectives of LoTSS rely upon, or are ...
    • The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey -- V. Second data release 

      Shimwell, T. W.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Tasse, C.; Best, P. N.; Röttgering, H. J. A.; Williams, W. L.; Botteon, A.; Drabent, A.; Mechev, A.; Shulevski, A.; Weeren, R. J. van; Bester, L.; Brüggen, M.; Brunetti, G.; Callingham, J. R.; Chyży, K. T.; Conway, J. E.; Dijkema, T. J.; Duncan, K.; Gasperin, F. de; Hale, C. L.; Haverkorn, M.; Hugo, B.; Jackson, N.; Mevius, M.; Miley, G. K.; Morabito, L. K.; Morganti, R.; Offringa, A.; Oonk, J. B. R.; Rafferty, D.; Sabater, J.; Smith, D. J. B.; Schwarz, D. J.; Smirnov, O.; O'Sullivan, S. P.; Vedantham, H.; White, G. J.; Albert, J. G.; Alegre, L.; Asabere, B.; Bacon, D. J.; Bonafede, A.; Bonnassieux, E.; Brienza, M.; Bilicki, M.; Bonato, M.; Rivera, G. Calistro; Cassano, R.; Cochrane, R.; Croston, J. H.; Cuciti, V.; Dallacasa, D.; Danezi, A.; Dettmar, R. J.; Gennaro, G. Di; Edler, H. W.; Enßlin, T. A.; Emig, K. L.; Franzen, T. M. O.; García-Vergara, C.; Grange, Y. G.; Gürkan, G.; Hajduk, M.; Heald, G.; Heesen, V.; Hoang, D. N.; Hoeft, M.; Horellou, C.; Iacobelli, M.; Jamrozy, M.; Jelić, V.; Kondapally, R.; Kukreti, P.; Kunert-Bajraszewska, M.; Magliocchetti, M.; Mahatma, V.; Małek, K.; Mandal, S.; Massaro, F.; Meyer-Zhao, Z.; Mingo, B.; Mostert, R. I. J.; Nair, D. G.; Nakoneczny, S. J.; Nikiel-Wroczyński, B.; Orrú, E.; Pajdosz-Śmierciak, U.; Pasini, T.; Prandoni, I.; Piggelen, H. E. van; Rajpurohit, K.; Retana-Montenegro, E.; Riseley, C. J.; Rowlinson, A.; Saxena, A.; Schrijvers, C.; Sweijen, F.; Siewert, T. M.; Timmerman, R.; Vaccari, M.; Vink, J.; West, J. L.; Wołowska, A.; Zhang, X.; Zheng, J. (2022-02-25)
      In this data release from the ongoing LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR) Two-metre Sky Survey we present 120a 168 MHz images covering 27% of the northern sky. Our coverage is split into two regions centred at approximately 12h45m ...
    • The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey Deep Fields Data Release 1 V. Survey description, source classifications and host galaxy properties 

      Best, P. N.; Kondapally, R.; Williams, W. L.; Cochrane, R. K.; Duncan, K. J.; Hale, C. L.; Haskell, P.; Malek, K.; McCheyne, I.; Smith, D. J. B.; Wang, L.; Botteon, A.; Bonato, M.; Bondi, M.; Rivera, G. Calistro; Gao, F.; Gurkan, G.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Jarvis, M. J.; Mingo, B.; Miraghaei, H.; Morabito, L. K.; Nisbet, D.; Prandoni, I.; Rottgering, H. J. A.; Sabater, J.; Shimwell, T.; Tasse, C.; Weeren, R. van (2023-08-01)
      Source classifications, stellar masses, and star-formation rates are presented for ≈80 000 radio sources from the first data release of the Low Frequency Array Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) Deep Fields, which represents the ...
    • The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey Deep Fields: Data release 1. IV. Photometric redshifts and stellar masses 

      Duncan, K. J.; Kondapally, R.; Brown, M. J. I.; Best, P. N.; Röttgering, H. J. A.; Bondi, M.; Bowler, R. A. A.; Cochrane, R. K.; Gürkan, G.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Jarvis, M. J.; Kunert-Bajraszewska, M.; Leslie, S. K.; Małek, K.; Morabito, L. K.; O'Sullivan, S. P.; Prandoni, I.; Sabater, J.; Shimwell, T. W.; Smith, D. J. B.; Wang, L.; Wołowska, A. (2021-04-07)
      The Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) is a sensitive, high-resolution 120-168 MHz survey split across multiple tiers over the northern sky. The first LoTSS Deep Fields data release consists of deep ...
    • The LOFAR window on star-forming galaxies and AGN - curved radio SEDs and IR-radio correlation at 0 < z < 2.5 

      Rivera, G. Calistro; Williams, W. L.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Duncan, K. J.; Röttgering, H.~J.~A.; Best, Philip N.; Brüggen, Marcus; Chyzy, K.T.; Conselice, C. J.; De Gasperin, Francesco; Engels, D.; Gürkan, G.; Intema, Huib T.; Jarvis, M. J.; Mahony, E. K.; Miley, G.K.; Morabito, L. K.; Prandoni, I.; Sabater, J.; Smith, D. J. B.; Tasse, C.; van der Werf, P.; White, Glenn J. (2017-08-11)
      We present a study of the low-frequency radio properties of star forming (SF) galaxies and active galactic nuclei (AGN) up to redshift $z=2.5$. The new spectral window probed by the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) allows us ...
    • LOFAR-Boötes : Properties of high- and low-excitation radio galaxies at 0.5 < z < 2.0 

      Williams, W. L.; Rivera, G. Calistro; Best, Philip N.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Röttgering, H.~J.~A.; Duncan, K. J.; De Gasperin, Francesco; Jarvis, M. J.; Miley, G.K.; Mahony, E. K.; Morabito, L. K.; Nisbet, D. M.; Prandoni, I.; Smith, D. J. B.; Tasse, C.; White, Glenn J. (2018-04-11)
      This paper presents a study of the redshift evolution of radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGN) as a function of the properties of their galaxy hosts in the Boötes field. To achieve this we match low-frequency radio sources ...
    • LoTSS/HETDEX: Disentangling star formation and AGN activity in gravitationally-lensed radio-quiet quasars 

      Stacey, H. R.; McKean, J. P.; Jackson, N. J.; Best, P. N.; Rivera, G. Calistro; Callingham, J. R.; Duncan, K. J.; Gürkan, G.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Iacobelli, M.; Mechev, A. P.; Morabito, L. K.; Prandoni, I.; Röttgering, H. J. A.; Sabater, J.; Shimwell, T. W.; Tasse, C.; Williams, W. L. (2018-11-19)
      Determining the star-forming properties of radio-quiet quasars is important for understanding the co-evolution of star formation and black hole accretion. Here, we present the detection of the gravitationally-lensed ...
    • A low frequency sub-arcsecond view of powerful radio galaxies in rich-cluster environments: 3C 34 and 3C 320 

      Mahatma, V. H.; Basu, A.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Morabito, L. K.; Weeren, R. J. van (2023-04-01)
      Models of radio galaxy physics have been primarily based on high frequency (≥1 GHz) observations of their jets, hotspots, and lobes. Without highly resolved low-frequency observations, which provide information on older ...
    • MIGHTEE: Are giant radio galaxies more common than we thought? 

      Delhaize, J.; Heywood, I.; Prescott, M.; Jarvis, M. J.; Delvecchio, I.; Whittam, I. H.; White, S. V.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Hale, C. L.; Afonso, J.; Ao, Y.; Brienza, M.; Brueggen, M.; Collier, J. D.; Daddi, E.; Glowacki, M.; Maddox, N.; Morabito, L. K.; Prandoni, I.; Randriamanakoto, Z.; Sekhar, S.; An, Fangxia; Adams, N. J.; Blyth, S.; Bowler, R. A. A.; Leeuw, L.; Marchetti, L.; Randriamampandry, S. M.; Thorat, K.; Seymour, N.; Smirnov, O.; Taylor, A. R.; Tasse, C.; Vaccari, M. (2020-12-14)
      We report the discovery of two new giant radio galaxies (GRGs) using the MeerKAT International GHz Tiered Extragalactic Exploration (MIGHTEE) survey. Both GRGs were found within a 1 deg^2 region inside the COSMOS field. ...
    • MIGHTEE: the nature of the radio-loud AGN population 

      Whittam, I. H.; Jarvis, M. J.; Hale, C. L.; Prescott, M.; Morabito, L. K.; Heywood, I.; Adams, N. J.; Afonso, J.; An, Fangxia; Ao, Y.; Bowler, R. A.; Collier, J. D.; Deane, R. P.; Delhaize, J.; Frank, B.; Glowacki, M.; Hatfield, P. W.; Maddox, N.; Marchetti, L.; Matthews, A. M.; Prandoni, I.; Randriamampandry, S.; Randriamanakoto, Z.; Smith, D. J. B.; Taylor, A. R.; Thomas, N. L.; Vaccari, M. (2022-10-30)
      We study the nature of the faint radio source population detected in the MeerKAT International GHz Tiered Extragalactic Exploration (MIGHTEE) Early Science data in the COSMOS field, focusing on the properties of the ...
    • A plethora of diffuse steep spectrum radio sources in Abell 2034 revealed by LOFAR 

      Shimwell, T. W.; Luckin, J.; Brüggen, M.; Brunetti, G.; Intema, H. T.; Owers, M. S.; Röttgering, H. J. A.; Stroe, A.; Weeren, R. J. van; Williams, W. L.; Cassano, R.; Gasperin, F. de; Heald, G. H.; Hoang, D. N.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Sridhar, S. S.; Sabater, J.; Best, P. N.; Bonafede, A.; Chyży, K. T.; Ensslin, T. A.; Ferrari, C.; Haverkorn, M.; Hoeft, M.; Horellou, C.; McKean, J. P.; Morabito, L. K.; Orrù, E.; Pizzo, R.; Retana-Montenegro, E.; White, G.J. (2016-06-11)
      With Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR) observations, we have discovered a diverse assembly of steep spectrum emission that is apparently associated with the intra cluster medium (ICM) of the merging galaxy cluster Abell 2034. ...