Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • LoTSS/HETDEX: Optical quasars I. Low-frequency radio properties of optically selected quasars 

      Gürkan, Gülay; Hardcastle, Martin; Best, Philip; Morabito, Leah; Prandoni, Isabella; Jarvis, Matt; Duncan, Ken; Rivera, Gabriela Calistro; Callingham, Joe; Cochrane, Rachel; Croston, Judith; Heald, George; Mingo, Beatriz; Mooney, Sean; Sabater, Jose; Röttgering, Huub; Shimwell, Timothy; Smith, Dan; Tasse, Cyril; Williams, Wendy (2018-10-10)
      The radio-loud/radio-quiet (RL/RQ) dichotomy in quasars is still an open question. Although it is thought that accretion onto supermassive black holes in the centre the host galaxies of quasars is responsible for some radio ...
    • Sub-arcsecond imaging with the International LOFAR Telescope. II. Completion of the LOFAR Long-Baseline Calibrator Survey 

      Jackson, Neal; Badole, Shruti; Chhetri, Rajan; Prusis, Kaspars; Nikolajevs, Atvars; Morabito, Leah; Brentjens, Michiel; Sweijen, Frits; Iacobelli, Marco; Orrù, Emanuela; Sluman, J.; Blaauw, R.; Mulder, H.; Dijk, P. van; Mooney, Sean; Deller, Adam; Moldon, Javier; Callingham, J. R.; Harwood, Jeremy; Hardcastle, Martin; Heald, George; Drabent, Alexander; McKean, J. P.; Asgekar, A.; Avruch, I. M.; Bentum, M. J.; Bonafede, A.; Brouw, W. N.; Brüggen, M.; Butcher, H. R.; Ciardi, B.; Coolen, A.; Corstanje, A.; Damstra, S.; Duscha, S.; Eislöffel, J.; Falcke, H.; Garrett, M.; Gasperin, F. de; Griessmeier, J. -M.; Gunst, A. W.; Haarlem, M. P. van; Hoeft, M.; Horst, A. J. van der; Jütte, E.; Koopmans, L. V. E.; Krankowski, A.; Maat, P.; Mann, G.; Miley, G. K.; Nelles, A.; Norden, M.; Paas, M.; Pandey, V. N.; Pandey-Pommier, M.; Pizzo, R. F.; Reich, W.; Rothkaehl, H.; Rowlinson, A.; Ruiter, M.; Shulevski, A.; Schwarz, D. J.; Smirnov, O.; Tagger, M.; Vocks, C.; Weeren, R. J. van; Wijers, R.; Wucknitz, O.; Zarka, P.; Zensus, J. A.; Zucca, P. (2022-02-01)
      The Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR) Long-Baseline Calibrator Survey (LBCS) was conducted between 2014 and 2019 in order to obtain a set of suitable calibrators for the LOFAR array. In this paper, we present the complete survey, ...