Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • The BPT Diagram in Cosmological Galaxy Formation Simulations: Understanding the Physics Driving Offsets at High Redshift 

      Garg, Prerak; Narayanan, Desika; Byler, Nell; Sanders, Ryan L.; Shapley, Alice E.; Strom, Allison L.; Davé, Romeel; Hirschmann, Michaela; Lovell, Christopher C.; Otter, Justin; Popping, Gergö; Privon, George C. (2022-02-15)
      The Baldwin, Philips, & Terlevich diagram of [O iii]/Hβ versus [N ii]/Hα (hereafter N2-BPT) has long been used as a tool for classifying galaxies based on the dominant source of ionizing radiation. Recent observations have ...
    • Chaotic and Clumpy Galaxy Formation in an Extremely Massive Reionization-era Halo 

      Spilker, Justin S.; Hayward, Christopher C.; Marrone, Daniel P.; Aravena, Manuel; Béthermin, Matthieu; Burgoyne, James; Chapman, Scott C.; Greve, Thomas R.; Gururajan, Gayathri; Hezaveh, Yashar D.; Hill, Ryley; Litke, Katrina C.; Lovell, Christopher C.; Malkan, Matthew A.; Murphy, Eric J.; Narayanan, Desika; Phadke, Kedar A.; Reuter, Cassie; Stark, Antony A.; Sulzenauer, Nikolaus; Vieira, Joaquin D.; Vizgan, David; Weiß, Axel (2022-04-08)
      Abstract: The SPT 0311–58 system at z = 6.900 is an extremely massive structure within the reionization epoch and offers a chance to understand the formation of galaxies at an extreme peak in the primordial density field. ...
    • Reproducing sub-millimetre galaxy number counts with cosmological hydrodynamic simulations 

      Lovell, Christopher C.; Geach, James E.; Davé, Romeel; Narayanan, Desika; Li, Qi (2021-01-04)
      Matching the number counts of high-$z$ sub-millimetre-selected galaxies (SMGs) has been a long standing problem for galaxy formation models. In this paper, we use 3D dust radiative transfer to model the sub-mm emission ...