Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • The effect of environment on the ultraviolet color-magnitude relation of early-type galaxies 

      Schawinski, K.; Kaviraj, S.; Khochfar, S.; Yoon, S.-J.; Yi, S.K.; Lee, Y.-W.; Deharveng, J.-M.; Boselli, A.; Donas, J.; Milliard, B.; Barlow, T.; Conrow, T.; Forster, K.; Friedman, P.G.; Martin, D.C.; Morrissey, P.; Seibert, M.; Small, T.; Wyder, T.; Neff, S.; Schiminovich, D.; Blanchi, L.; Heckman, T.; Szalay, A.; Madore, B.; Rich, R.M. (2007-12-01)
      We use GALEX near-UV (NUV ) photometry of a sample of early-type galaxies selected in the SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey) to study the UV color-magnitude relation (CMR). NUV - r color is an excellent tracer of even small ...
    • Galaxy evolution explorer ultraviolet color-magnitude relations and evidence of recent star formation in early-type galaxies 

      Yi, S.K.; Yoon, S.-J.; Lee, Y.-W.; Ree, C.H.; Sohn, Y.-J.; Rey, S.-C.; Rhee, J.; Byun, Y.-I.; Kim, S.-W.; Kaviraj, S.; Deharveng, J.-M.; Boselli, A.; Donas, J.; Malina, R.; Milliard, B.; Rich, R.M.; Salim, S.; Friedman, P.G.; Martin, D.C.; Morrissey, P.; Small, T.; Barlow, T.; Forster, K.; Wyder, T.K.; Lee, J.-W.; Bianchi, L.; Heckman, T.M.; Szalay, A.S.; Jee, M.J.; Jelinsky, P.; Siegmund, O.; Welsh, B.; Madore, B.F.; Neff, S.; Schiminovich, D. (2005-01-20)
      We have used the Galaxy Evolution Explorer UV photometric data to construct a first near-UV (NUV) color-magnitude relation (CMR) for the galaxies preclassified as early-type by Sloan Digital Sky Survey studies. The NUV CMR ...
    • Suppression of star formation in early-type galaxies by feedback from supermassive black holes 

      Schawinski, K.; Khochfar, S.; Kaviraj, S.; Yi, S.K.; Lee, Y.-W.; Boselli, A.; Donas, J.; Milliard, B.; Barlow, T.; Conrow, T.; Forster, K.; Friedman, P.G.; Martin, D.C.; Morrissey, P.; Seibert, M.; Small, T.; Wyder, T.K.; Neff, S.; Schiminovich, D.; Bianchi, L.; Heckman, T.; Szalay, A.; Madore, B.; Rich, R.M. (2006-08-24)
      Detailed high-resolution observations of the innermost regions of nearby galaxies have revealed the presence of supermassive black holes. These black holes may interact with their host galaxies by means of 'feedback' in ...
    • UV-optical colors as probes of early-type galaxy evolution 

      Kaviraj, S.; Schawinski, K.; Devriendt, J.E.G.; Ferreras, I.; Khochfar, S.; Yoon, S.-J.; Yi, S.K.; Lee, Y.-W.; Deharveng, J.-M.; Boselli, A.; Donas, J.; Milliard, B.; Barlow, T.; Conrow, T.; Forster, K.; Friedman, P.G.; Martin, D.C.; Morrissey, P.; Seibert, M.; Small, T.; Wyder, T.; Neff, S.; Schiminovich, D.; Bianchi, L.; Heckman, T.; Szalay, A.; Madore, B.; Rich, R.M. (2007-12-01)
      We have studied ∼2100 early-type galaxies in the SDSS DR3 which have been detected by the GALEX Medium Imaging Survey (MIS), in the redshift range O <z <0.1.1. Combining GALEXUV photometry with corollary optical data from ...