Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Accretion Disc Structure of Supermassive Stars Formed by Collisions 

      Nowak, Katarzyna (2022-03-08)
      Globular clusters (GCs) display large variations in light elements; the main one being O-Na, C-N and Mg-Al anticorrelations. Additionally most GCs demonstrate multiple sequences in the colour-magnitude diagram, proving ...
    • Could kilomasers pinpoint supermassive stars? 

      Nowak, Katarzyna; Krause, Martin G. H.; Schaerer, Daniel (2022-09-11)
      A strong nuclear kilomaser, W1, has been found in the nearby galaxy NGC 253, associated with a forming super star cluster. Kilomasers could arise from the accretion disc around supermassive stars (>10^3 Msun), hypothetical ...