Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Towards the Amplituhedron Volume 

      Ferro, Livia; Lukowski, Tomasz; Orta, Andrea; Parisi, Matteo (2016-03-03)
      It has been recently conjectured that scattering amplitudes in planar N=4 super Yang-Mills are given by the volume of the (dual) amplituhedron. In this paper we show some interesting connections between the tree-level ...
    • Tree-level scattering amplitudes from the amplituhedron 

      Ferro, Livia; Lukowski, Tomasz; Orta, Andrea; Parisi, Matteo (2017-06-07)
      A central problem in quantum field theory is the computation of scattering amplitudes. However, traditional methods are impractical to calculate high order phenomenologically relevant observables. Building on a few decades ...
    • Yangian Symmetry for the Tree Amplituhedron 

      Ferro, Livia; Lukowski, Tomasz; Orta, Andrea; Parisi, Matteo (2017-06-29)
      Tree-level scattering amplitudes in planar N=4 super Yang-Mills are known to be Yangian-invariant. It has been shown that integrability allows to obtain a general, explicit method to find such invariants. The uplifting of ...