Now showing items 1-12 of 12

    • Calculations of fission rates for r-process nucleosynthesis 

      Panov, I.; Kolbe, E.; Pfeiffer, B.; Rauscher, T.; Kratz, K.L.; Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl (2005-01-24)
      Fission plays an important role in the r-process which is responsible; not only for the yields of transuranium isotopes, but may have a strong influence on the formation of the majority of heavy nuclei due to fission ...
    • Fission barriers : How do they affect the R-process? 

      Panov, I.; Pfeiffer, B.; Kratz, K.L.; Kolbe, E.; Rauscher, T.; Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl (World Scientific Publishing, 2004-02)
      Fission is an important process which is responsible not only for the yields of transuranium isotopes, but may have a strong influence on the formation of the majority of heavy nuclei due to fission recycling in the ...
    • Heavy elements and age determinations 

      Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl; Hauser, P.; Kolbe, E.; Martinez-Pinedo, Gabriel; Panov, I.; Rauscher, T.; Kratz, K.L.; Pfeiffer, B.; Rosswog, S.; Liebendoerfer, M.; Mezzacappa, A. (2002-01)
      The age of the universe, measured from the Big Bang to the present, is at the focus of cosmology. Its determination relies, however, on the use of stellar objects or their products. Stellar explosions, like type Ia supernovae ...
    • Network calculations for r-process nucleosynthesis 

      Petermann, I.; Martinez-Pinedo, G.; Arcones, A.; Hix, W. R.; Kelic, A.; Langanke, K.; Panov, I.; Rauscher, T.; Schmidt, K-H; Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl; Zinner, N. (IOP Publishing Ltd., 2010)
      The r-process is known to be responsible for the synthesis of about half of the elements heavier than iron, nevertheless its astrophysical site has not yet been clearly ascertained, but observations indicate that at least ...
    • Nuclear cross sections, nuclear structure and stellar nucleosynthesis 

      Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl; Argast, D.; Brachwitz, F.; Hix, W. R.; Hoflich, P.; Liebendoerfer, M.; Martinez-Pinedo, G.; Mezzacappa, A.; Panov, I.; Rauscher, T. (2003-05-05)
      The role of nuclear reactions (strong, weak and electromagnetic) and nuclear structure effects are discussed in a number of stellar applications. We address fusion cross sections in stellar evolution, neutrino-induced ...
    • Nuclear physics issues of the r-process 

      Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl; Kolbe, E.; Martinez-Pinedo, G.; Panov, I.; Rauscher, T.; Kratz, K.L.; Pfeiffer, B.; Rosswog, S. (World Scientific Publishing, 2003)
      The present paper aims at understanding r-process nucleosynthesis by addressing the nuclear physics involved, the necessary environment conditions in the (stellar) production sites, and the observational constraints. We ...
    • Production of intermediate-mass and heavy nuclei 

      Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl; Froehlich, Carla; Hirschi, R.; Liebendoerfer, M.; Dillmann, I.; Mocelj, D.; Rauscher, T.; Martinez-Pinedo, G.; Langanke, K.; Farouqi, K.; Kratz, K.L.; Pfeiffer, B.; Panov, I.; Nadyozhin, D. K.; Blinnikov, S.; Bravo, E.; Hix, W. R.; Hoflich, P.; Zinner, N. T. (Elsevier, 2007)
      Nucleosynthesis is the science related to all astrophysical processes which are responsible for the abundances of the elements and their isotopes in the universe. The astrophysical sites are the big bang and stellar objects. ...
    • The r-process : Supernovae and other sources of the heaviest elements 

      Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl; Mocelj, D.; Panov, I.; Kolbe, E.; Rauscher, T.; Kratz, K.L.; Farouqi, K.; Pfeiffer, B.; Martinez-Pinedo, Gabriel; Kelic, A.; Langanke, K.; Schmidt, K. -H.; Zinner, N. (2007-05)
      Rapid neutron capture in stellar explosions is responsible for the heaviest elements in nature, up to Th, U and beyond. This nucleosynthesis process, the r-process, is unique in the sense that a combination of nuclear ...
    • The Role of Fission in Neutron Star Mergers and Its Impact on the r-Process Peaks 

      Eichler, M.; Arcones, A.; Kelic, A.; Korobkin, O.; Langanke, K.; Marketin, T.; Martinez-Pinedo, G.; Panov, I.; Rauscher, T.; Rosswog, S.; Winteler, C.; Zinner, N. T.; Thielemann, F. K. (2015-07-15)
      Comparing observational abundance features with nucleosynthesis predictions of stellar evolution or explosion simulations, we can scrutinize two aspects: (a) the conditions in the astrophysical production site and (b) the ...
    • The role of fission in the r-process 

      Martinez-Pinedo, G.; Mocelj, D.; Zinner, N. T.; Kelic, A.; Langanke, K.; Panov, I.; Pfeiffer, B.; Rauscher, T.; Schmidt, K.-H.; Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl (Elsevier, 2007)
      We have developed a full set of fission rates that include spontaneous fission, neutron-induced fission, beta-delayed fission and, neutrino-induced fission, that are supplemented with realistic distributions of fission ...
    • The role of fission on neutron star mergers and its impact on the r-process peaks 

      Eichler, M.; Arcones, A.; Kelic, A.; Korobkin, O.; Langanke, K.; Marketin, T.; Martinez-Pinedo, G.; Panov, I.; Rauscher, T.; Rosswog, S.; Winteler, C.; Zinner, N. T.; Thielemann, F. K. (American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2016-06-21)
      The comparison between observational abundance features and those obtained from nucleosynthesis predictions of stellar evolution and/or explosion simulations can scrutinize two aspects: (a) the conditions in the astrophysical ...
    • What are the astrophysical sites for the r-process and the production of heavy elements? 

      Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl; Arcones, A.; Kaeppeli, R.; Liebendoerfer, M.; Rauscher, T.; Winteler, C.; Froehlich, C.; Dillmann, I.; Fischer, T.; Martinez-Pinedo, G.; Langanke, K.; Farouqi, K.; Kratz, K. -L.; Panov, I.; Korneev, I. K. (2011-04)
      This article addresses three of the four nucleosynthesis processes involved in producing heavy nuclei beyond Fe (with a main focus on the r-process). Opposite to the fourth process (the s-process), which operates in stellar ...