Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • A 100 pc elliptical and twisted ring of cold and dense molecular clouds revealed by Herschel around the galactic center 

      Molinari, S.; Bally, J.; Noriega-Crespo, A.; Compiegne, M.; Bernard, J.P.; Paradis, D.; Martin, P.; Testi, L.; Barlow, M.; Moore, T.; Plume, R.; Swinyard, B.; Zavagno, A.; Calzoletti, L.; M. Di Giorgio, A.; Elia, D.; Faustini, F.; Natoli, P.; Pestalozzi, Michele; Pezzuto, S.; Piacentini, F.; Polenta, G.; Polychroni, D.; Schisano, E.; Traficante, A.; Veneziani, M.; Battersby, C.; Burton, M.; Carey, S.; Fukui, Y.; Li, J.Z.; Lord, S.D.; Morgan, L.; Motte, F.; Schuller, F.; Stringfellow, G.S.; Tan, J.C.; Thompson, Mark; Ward-Thompson, D.; White, G.; Umana, G. (2011)
      Thermal images of cold dust in the Central Molecular Zone of the Milky Way, obtained with the far-infrared cameras on board the Herschel satellite, reveal a ~3 × 107 M ring of dense and cold clouds orbiting the Galactic ...
    • 6.7-GHz methanol maser associated outflows : an evolutionary sequence 

      De Villiers, Helena Maria; Chrysostomou, A.; Thompson, M.A.; Urquhart, J.S.; Breen, S.L.; Burton, M.G.; Ellingsen, S.P.; Fuller, G.A.; Pestalozzi, Michele; Voronkov, M. A.; Ward-Thompson, D. (2015-05-01)
      We present a continuing study of a sample 44 molecular outflows, observed in 13CO lines, closely associated with 6.7-GHz methanol masers, hence called methanol maser associated outflows (MMAOs). We compare MMAO properties ...
    • Clustering properties of far-infrared sources in Hi-Gal science demonstation phase fields 

      Billot, N.; Schisano, E.; Pestalozzi, Michele; Molinari, S.; Noriega-Crespo, A.; Mottram, J.C.; Anderson, L.D.; Elia, D.; Stringfellow, G. S.; Thompson, Mark; Polychroni, D.; Testi, L. (2011)
      We use a minimum spanning tree (MST) algorithm to characterize the spatial distribution of Galactic far-IR sources and derive their clustering properties. We aim to reveal the spatial imprint of different types of star-forming ...
    • A pilot study for the SCUBA-2 'All-Sky' Survey 

      Mackenzie, Todd; Braglia, Filiberto G.; Gibb, Andy G.; Scott, Douglas; Jenness, Tim; Serjeant, Stephen; Thompson, Mark; Berry, David; Brunt, Christopher M.; Chapin, Edward; Chrysostomou, A.; Clements, Dave; Coppin, Kristen; Economou, Frossie; Evans, A.; Friberg, Per; Greaves, Jane; Hill, T.; Holland, Wayne; Ivison, R. J.; Knapen, Johan H.; Jackson, Neal; Joncas, Gilles; Morgan, Larry; Mortier, Angela; Pearson, Chris; Pestalozzi, Michele; Pope, Alexandra; Richer, John; Urquhart, J. S.; Vaccari, Mattia; Weferling, Bernd; White, Glenn; Zhu, Ming (2011-08)
      We have carried out a pilot study for the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array 2 (SCUBA-2) 'All-Sky' Survey (SASSy), a wide and shallow mapping project at 850 mu m, designed to find rare objects, both Galactic and ...