Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Chandra observations of the interacting galaxies NGC 3395/3396 (Arp 270) 

      Brassington, Nicola; Read, Andrew M.; Ponman, T.J. (2005-07-01)
      In this paper we present the results of a 20-ks high-resolution Chandra X-ray observation of the peculiar galaxy pair NGC 3395/3396, a system at a very early stage of merging, and less evolved than the famous Antennae and ...
    • The Chandra view of galaxy mergers 

      Brassington, Nicola; Ponman, T.J.; Read, Andrew M. (2007-06-01)
      From a Chandra survey of nine interacting galaxy systems the evolution of X-ray emission during the merger process has been investigated. It is found that the X-ray luminosity peaks ~300Myr before nuclear coalescence, and ...