Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Galaxy evolution explorer ultraviolet color-magnitude relations and evidence of recent star formation in early-type galaxies 

      Yi, S.K.; Yoon, S.-J.; Lee, Y.-W.; Ree, C.H.; Sohn, Y.-J.; Rey, S.-C.; Rhee, J.; Byun, Y.-I.; Kim, S.-W.; Kaviraj, S.; Deharveng, J.-M.; Boselli, A.; Donas, J.; Malina, R.; Milliard, B.; Rich, R.M.; Salim, S.; Friedman, P.G.; Martin, D.C.; Morrissey, P.; Small, T.; Barlow, T.; Forster, K.; Wyder, T.K.; Lee, J.-W.; Bianchi, L.; Heckman, T.M.; Szalay, A.S.; Jee, M.J.; Jelinsky, P.; Siegmund, O.; Welsh, B.; Madore, B.F.; Neff, S.; Schiminovich, D. (2005-01-20)
      We have used the Galaxy Evolution Explorer UV photometric data to construct a first near-UV (NUV) color-magnitude relation (CMR) for the galaxies preclassified as early-type by Sloan Digital Sky Survey studies. The NUV CMR ...
    • The Hamburg/ESO R-process Enhanced Star survey (HERES). I : Project description and discovery of two stars with strong enhancements of neutron-capture elements 

      Christlieb, N.; Beers, T.C.; Barklem, P.S.; Bessell, M.S.; Hill, V.; Holmberg, J.; Korn, A.J.; Marsteller, B.; Mashonkina, L.; Qian, Y.Z.; Rossi, S.; Wasserburg, G.J.; Zickgraf, F.J.; Kratz, K.L.; Nordstrom, B.; Pfeiffer, B.; Rhee, J.; Ryan, Sean G. (2004-12)
    • The look-back time evolution of far-ultraviolet flux from the brightest cluster elliptical galaxies at z <0.2 

      Ree, C.H.; Lee, Y.-W.; Yi, S.K.; Yoon, S.-J.; Sohn, Y.-J.; Rhee, J.; Sheen, Y.-K.; Rich, R.M.; Deharveng, J.-M.; Boselli, A.; Donas, J.; Milliard, B.; Kaviraj, S.; Schawinski, K.; Rey, S.-C.; Seibert, M.; Wyder, T.K.; Barlow, T.A.; Forster, K.; Friedman, P.G.; Martin, D.C.; Morrissey, P.; Small, T.; Bianchi, L.; Heckman, T.M.; Szalay, A.S.; Madore, B.F.; Neff, S.G.; Schiminovich, D.; Welsh, B.Y. (2007-12-01)
      We present the GALEXUV photometry of the elliptical galaxies in Abell clusters at moderate redshifts (z <0.2) for the study of the look-back time evolution of the UV upturn phenomenon. The brightest elliptical galaxies (M ...
    • WSClean : an implementation of a fast, generic wide-field imager for radio astronomy 

      Offringa, A. R.; McKinley, B.; Hurley-Walker, N.; Briggs, F. H.; Wayth, R. B.; Kaplan, D. L.; Bell, M. E.; Feng, L.; Neben, A. R.; Hughes, J. D.; Rhee, J.; Murphy, T.; Bhat, N. D. R.; Bernardi, G.; Bowman, J. D.; Cappallo, R. J.; Corey, B. E.; Deshpande, A. A.; Emrich, D.; Ewall-Wice, A.; Gaensler, B. M.; Goeke, R.; Greenhill, L. J.; Hazelton, B. J.; Hindson, L.; Johnston-Hollitt, M.; Jacobs, D. C.; Kasper, J. C.; Kratzenberg, E.; Lenc, E.; Lonsdale, C. J.; Lynch, M. J.; McWhirter, S. R.; Mitchell, D. A.; Morales, M. F.; Morgan, E.; Kudryavtseva, N.; Oberoi, D.; Ord, S. M.; Pindor, B.; Procopio, P.; Prabu, T.; Riding, J.; Roshi, D. A.; Shankar, N. Udaya; Srivani, K. S.; Subrahmanyan, R.; Tingay, S. J.; Waterson, M.; Webster, R. L.; Whitney, A. R.; Williams, A.; Williams, C. L. (2014-10-11)
      Astronomical widefield imaging of interferometric radio data is computationally expensive, especially for the large data volumes created by modern non-coplanar many-element arrays. We present a new widefield interferometric ...