Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Crystallographic tomography and molecular modelling of structured organic polycrystalline powders 

      Gajjar, Parmesh; Nguyen, Thai T. H.; Sun, Jun; Styliari, Ioanna D.; Bale, Hrishikesh; McDonald, Samuel A.; Burnett, Timothy L.; Tordoff, Benjamin; Lauridsen, Erik; Hammond, Robert B.; Murnane, Darragh; Withers, Philip J.; Roberts, Kevin J. (2021-03-02)
      A fundamental understanding of the behaviour of polycrystalline materials, including pharmaceuticals, is vital for control of their physicochemical and crystalline properties, which in turn has the potential to improve ...
    • Microstructural insight into inhalation powder blends through correlative multi-scale X-ray Computed Tomography 

      Gajjar, Parmesh; Styliari, Ioanna Danai; Legh-Land, Victoria; Bale, Hrishikesh; Tordoff, Benjamin; Withers, Philip; Murnane, Darragh (2023-10-30)
      Dry powder inhalers (DPI) are important for topical drug delivery to the lungs, but characterising the pre-aerosolised powder microstructure is a key initial step in understanding the post-aerosolised blend performance. ...
    • On Measuring the Specific Surface Area of inhalation-grade lactose powders 

      Styliari, Ioanna Danai; Nguyen, Thai TH; Gajjar, Parmesh; Tordoff, Benjamin; Burnett, Timothy; Withers, Philip; Hammond, Robert B.; Roberts, Kevin J.; Murnane, Darragh (2020-01-28)
    • Understanding the agglomerate crystallisation of hexamine through X-ray microscopy and crystallographic modelling 

      Nguyen, Thai T.H.; Gajjar, Parmesh; Sun, Jun; Hammond, Robert B.; Murnane, Darragh; Tordoff, Benjamin; Lauridsen, Erik; Withers, Philip J.; Roberts, Kevin J. (2023-02-01)
      The detailed molecular-scale mechanism of the growth of organic crystals underpins a diversity of phenomena, such as the isolation and purification of high-quality materials for the pharmaceutical and fine chemical sectors. ...
    • Unlocking the Microstructure of Inhalation Blends using X-ray Microscopy 

      Gajjar, Parmesh; Bale, Hrishikesh; Burnett, Timothy; Chen, Xizhong; Elliot, James A.; Gomez, Herminso Villarraga; Hammond, Robert B.; Nguyen, Hien; Roberts, Kevin J.; Styliari, Ioanna Danai; Tordoff, Benjamin; Withers, Philip; Murnane, Darragh (Respiratory Drug Delivery, RDD, 2020-04-26)
      Microstructural equivalence (Q3) for dry powder inhalers (DPIs) is complex because it involves both pre- and post-aerosolization powders and can be influenced by the DPI device and the patient’s aerosolization efficiency. In ...