Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Discovery of 24 radio-bright quasars at $4.9 \leq z \leq6.6$ using low-frequency radio observations 

      Gloudemans, A. J.; Duncan, K. J.; Saxena, A.; Harikane, Y.; Hill, G. J.; Zeimann, G. R.; Rottgering, H. J. A.; Yang, D.; Best, P. N.; Banados, E.; Drabent, A.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Hennawi, J. F.; Lansbury, G.; Magliocchetti, M.; Miley, G. K.; Nanni, R.; Shimwell, T. W.; Smith, D. J. B.; Venemans, B.P.; Wagenveld, J. D. (2022-12-31)
      High redshift quasars ($z>5$) that also shine brightly at radio wavelengths are unique signposts of supermassive black hole activity in the early universe. However, bright radio sources at $z\ge5$ are extremely rare and ...
    • Discovery of a redshift 6.13 quasar in the UKIRT infrared deep sky survey 

      Mortlock, D.J.; Patel, M.; Warren, S.J.; Venemans, B.P.; McMahon, R.G.; Hewett, P.C.; Simpson, C.; Sharp, R.G.; Burningham, B.; Dye, S.; Ellis, S.; Gonzales-Solares, E.; Huelamo, N. (2009)
      Optical and near-infrared (NIR) spectra are presented for ULAS J131911.29+095051.4 (hereafter ULAS J1319+0950), a new redshift z = 6.127 0.004 quasar discovered in the Third Data Release (DR3) of the UKIRT Infrared Deep ...
    • Fifteen new T dwarfs discovered in the UKIDSS Large Area Survey 

      Pinfield, D.J.; Burningham, B.; Tamura, M.; Leggett, S.K.; Lodieu, N.; Lucas, P.W.; Mortlock, D.J.; Warren, S.J.; Homeier, D.; Ishi, M.; Deacon, Niall; McMahon, R.G.; Hewett, P.C.; Zapatero Osorio, M.R.; Martin, E.L.; Jones, H.R.A.; Venemans, B.P.; Day-Jones, A.C.; Dobbie, P.D.; Folkes, S.; Dye, S.; Allard, F.; Baraffe, I.; Barrado y Navascues, D.; Casewell, S.L.; Chiu, K.; Chabrier, G.; Clarke, F.; Hodgkin, S.T.; Magazzu, A.; McCaughrean, M.J.; Moraux, E.; Nakajima, T.; Pavlenko, Y.; Tinney, C.G. (2008)
      We present the discovery of fifteen new T2.5-T7.5 dwarfs (with estimated distances between 24–93pc), identified in the first three main data releases of the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey. This brings the total number of ...
    • Selection constraints on high-redshift quasar searches in the VISTA Kilo-degree Infrared Galaxy survey 

      Findlay, J.R.; Sutherland, W.J.; Venemans, B.P.; Reylé, C.; Robin, A.C.; Bonfield, David; Jarvis, M.J.; Bruce, V.A. (2012-02)
      The European Southern Observatory's (ESO) Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) is a 4-m class survey telescope for wide-field near-infrared imaging. VISTA is currently running a suite of six public ...
    • A very cool brown dwarf in UKIDSS DR1 

      Warren, S.J.; Mortlock, D.J.; Leggett, S.K.; Pinfield, D.J.; Homeier, D.; Dye, S.; Jameson, R.F.; Lodieu, N.; Lucas, P.W.; Adamson, A.J.; Allard, F.; Barrado y Navascues, D.; Casali, M.; Chiu, K.; Hambly, N.C.; Hewett, P.C.; Hirst, P.; Irwin, M.J.; Lawrence, A.; Liu, M.C.; Martin, E.L.; Smart, R.L.; Valdivielso, L.; Venemans, B.P. (2007)