Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • The frequency of low-mass exoplanets 

      O'Toole, S.; Jones, H.R.A.; Tinney, C.G.; Butler, R.P.; Marcy, G.W.; Carter, B.D.; Bailey, J.; Wittenmyer, R. (2009)
      We report first results from the Anglo-Australian Telescope Rocky Planet Search—an intensive, high-precision Doppler planet search targeting low-mass exoplanets in contiguous 48 night observing blocks. On this run, we ...
    • The frequency of low-mass exoplanets. II. The "Period Valley" 

      Wittenmyer, R.; O'Toole, S.; Jones, H.R.A.; Tinney, C.G.; Butler, R.P.; Carter, B.D.; Bailey, J. (2010)
      Radial-velocity planet search campaigns are now beginning to detect low-mass "Super-Earth" planets, with minimum masses M sin i 10 M ⊕. Using two independently developed methods, we have derived detection limits from nearly ...
    • A long-period planet orbiting a nearby Sun-like star 

      Jones, H.R.A.; Butler, R.P.; Tinney, C.G.; O'Toole, S.; Wittenmyer, R.; Henry, G.W.; Meschiari, S.; Vogt, S.; Rivera, E.; Laughlin, G.; Carter, B.D.; Bailey, J.; Jenkins, J.S. (2010)
      The Doppler wobble induced by the extra-solar planet HD 134987b was first detected by data from the Keck Telescope nearly a decade ago, and was subsequently confirmed by data from the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT). ...
    • NACO-SDI imaging of known companion host stars from the AAPS and Keck planet search surveys 

      Jenkins, J.S.; Jones, H.R.A.; Biller, B.; O'Toole, S.; Pinfield, D.J.; Close, L.; Tinney, C.G.; Butler, R.P.; Wittenmyer, R.; Carter, B.D.; Day-Jones, A.C. (2010)
      Context. Direct imaging of brown dwarfs as companions to solar-type stars can provide a wealth of well-constrained data to “benchmark” the physics of such objects, since quantities like metallicity and age can be determined ...
    • The observed distribution of spectroscopic binaries from the Anglo-Australian Planet Search 

      Jenkins, J. S.; Díaz, M.; Jones, Hugh; Butler, R. P.; Tinney, Chris G.; O'Toole, S. J.; Carter, B.D.; Wittenmyer, R.; Pinfield, David (2015-10-21)
      We report the detection of sixteen binary systems from the Anglo-Australian Planet Search. Solutions to the radial velocity data indicate that the stars have companions orbiting with a wide range of masses, eccentricities ...
    • On the frequency of Jupiter analogs 

      Wittenmyer, R.; Tinney, C.G.; O'Toole, S.; Jones, H.R.A.; Butler, R.P.; Carter, B.D.; Bailey, J. (2011)
      The Anglo-Australian Planet Search has now accumulated 12 years of radial-velocity data with long-term instrumental precision better than 3 m s-1. In this paper, we expand on earlier simulation work, to probe the frequency ...
    • A super-earth and two Neptunes orbiting the nearby sun-like star 61 Virginis 

      Vogt, S.; Wittenmyer, R.; Butler, R.P.; O'Toole, S.; Henry, G.W.; Rivera, E.; Meschiari, S.; Laughlin, G.; Tinney, C.G.; Jones, H.R.A.; Bailey, J.; Carter, B.D.; Batygin, K. (2010)
      We present precision radial velocity data that reveal a multiple exoplanet system orbiting the bright nearby G5V star 61 Virginis. Our 4.6 years of combined Keck/HIRES and Anglo-Australian Telescope precision radial ...