Now showing items 1-10 of 677
Patient and Doctor Perceptions of Hypertension and its Treatment: a Qualitative Study in Urban Hospitals of Pakistan
Hypertension (HTN) is a chronic disease that has become a growing public health problem in countries around the world, including Pakistan. Successful HTN control is an essential cornerstone in the prevention of morbidity ...
Single Mothers' Experiences of Temporary Accommodation and Mental Health: a London-Based Study
Numbers of families experiencing homelessness and living in temporary accommodation in London are rising each year (House of Commons, 2019), with families headed by single mothers being extremely overrepresented (Shelter ...
Organisational Change and the Politics of Identity: Four Reflexive Inquiries into Ordinary Power Struggles and their Role in Shaping Organisations and Individuals
This thesis sheds light on the ideals we construct in the workplace and how these emergent ideologies mask over power dynamics and political struggles for meaning and identity. Challenging the idea that ‘office politics’ ...
Transitioning to a Trauma Informed Forensic Unit: Staff Perceptions of a Shift in Organisational Culture
Background: Trauma-informed care can be defined as “a system development model that is grounded in and directed by a complete understanding of how trauma exposure affects service user’s neurological, biological, psychological, ...
Mothers' Decision-Making About Medication for Mental Health Difficulties: a Grounded Theory Study
Aims: This Grounded Theory study aimed to capture the social processes involved in mothers’ decision-making around psychotropic medication.
Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 participants who were ...
Young People's Narrative Accounts of Participation in the Design and Delivery of NHS Mental Health Services
Rationale and Aims: Youth participation in the design and delivery of mental health services has continued to gain momentum both nationally and internationally over recent years. However, research in this area has largely ...
Film Websites: a Transmedia Archaeology
Websites have become a familiar feature of contemporary cinema and they contribute to the overall audience experience. Yet as a hybrid of storytelling and marketing, they have often been seen as little more than promotional ...
Balancing Interoception and Exteroception: Vestibular and Spatial Contributions to the Bodily Self
Experiencing the body as a coherent, stable, entity involves the dynamic integration of information from several internal (i.e. interoceptive) and external (i.e. exteroceptive) sensory sources, to produce a feeling that ...
Experiences of Art Psychotherapy in Early Adulthood: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
This study was concerned with exploring young people’s experiences of engaging in individual Art Therapy sessions. An exploratory research question was formulated and addressed using a qualitative methodology. Five young ...
An Exploration of What it Means to be Struggling as a Secondary Teacher in England
This research emerged from a conversation with a teacher who expressed concerns about the impact of lesson observations on ‘struggling’ teachers. Struggling is a term found regularly in the literature and it has gained ...