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dc.contributor.authorBrennan, R.M.
dc.contributor.authorFitt, Bruce D.L.
dc.contributor.authorTaylor, G.S.
dc.contributor.authorColhoun, J.
dc.identifier.citationBrennan , R M , Fitt , B D L , Taylor , G S & Colhoun , J 1985 , ' Dispersal of Septoria nodorum pycnidiospores by simulated rain and wind ' , Journal of Phytopathology , vol. 112 , no. 4 , pp. 291-297 .
dc.identifier.otherBibtex: urn:e6c6ea3b8481baf92c5195c5ff8768ad
dc.description.abstractThe influence of wind on the splash dispersal of Septoria nodorum pycnidiospores was studied in a raintower/wind tunnel complex with single drops or simulated rain falling on spore suspensions or infected stubble with windspeeds of 1.5 to 4 m/sec. When single drops fell on spore suspensions (depth 0.5 mm, concentration 7.8 × 105 spores/ml) most of the spore-carrying droplets collected on fixed photographic film between 0–4 m downwind (windspeed 3 m/sec) were >200 μm in diameter. However, most spores were carried in droplets with diameter > 1000 μm, 70 % of which carried more than 100 spores. When simulated rain fell on infected stubble most of the spore-carrying droplets collected beyond 1 m downwind (windspeeds 1.4 and 4 m/sec) were <200 μm in diameter and none were >600 μm; most of these droplets carried only one spore. The distribution of splash droplets (with diameter >100 μm) deposited on chromatography paper showed a maximum at 40–50 cm upwind of the target but many more droplets were deposited 20–30 cm downwind, when single drops fell on a spore suspension (concentration 1.2 × 105 spores/ ml) containing fluorescein dye with a windspeed of 2 m/sec; droplets were collected up to 3 m downwind but not more than 70 cm upwind. With a windspeed of 3 m/sec, numbers of sporecarrying droplets and spores collected on film decreased with increasing distance downwind; most were collected within 2 m of the target but some were found up to 4 m. When simulated rain fell on infected stubble, increasing the windspeed from 1.5 to 4 m/sec greatly increased the number of spores deposited more than 1 m downwind. At 1.5 m/sec none were collected beyond 2 m downwind, whereas at 4 m/sec some were collected at 4 m. A few air-borne S. nodorum spores were collected by suction samplers at a height of 40 cm at distances up to 10 m downwind of a target spore suspension on which simulated rain fell.en
dc.relation.ispartofJournal of Phytopathology
dc.titleDispersal of Septoria nodorum pycnidiospores by simulated rain and winden
dc.contributor.institutionDepartment of Human and Environmental Sciences
dc.contributor.institutionGeography, Environment and Agriculture
dc.contributor.institutionCrop Protection and Climate Change
dc.contributor.institutionSchool of Life and Medical Sciences
dc.contributor.institutionHealth & Human Sciences Research Institute
dc.description.statusPeer reviewed
rioxxterms.typeJournal Article/Review

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