Osiris deep imaging of cygnus OB2 : The stellar population of the cygnus X central engine
Guarcello, M.G.
Drake, J.J.
Wright, N.J.
Aldcroft, T.
Fruscione, A.
Kashyap, V.L.
García-Álvarez, D.
Drew, J.E.
The young massive cluster Cyg OB2 is the closest massive star forming region to the Sun, with hundreds of OB members, and then the best target in the Milky Way to study the feedback of massive stars on the star formation process. To study in detail the stellar population of such a unique target, Cyg OB2 has been observed with GTC/OSIRIS and Chandra/ACIS-I. We present the OSIRIS observations, the catalog and the preliminary scientific results.