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dc.contributor.authorCoutts, Robert H.A.
dc.contributor.authorWood, K.R.
dc.identifier.citationCoutts , R H A & Wood , K R 1976 , ' The infection of cucumber mesophyll protoplasts with tobacco mosaic virus ' , Archives of Virology , vol. 52 , no. 1-2 , pp. 59-69 .
dc.description.abstractProtoplasts from the first leaf mesophyll of cucumber plants were isolated by an 18 hour combined petinase/cellulase treatment. Conditions favouring the infection of these protoplasts with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), and the accumulation of infective virus up to 96 hours after inoculation have been studied. Infection of approximately 5-10 percent of the protoplasts, revealed by indirect fluorescent antibody staining, was achieved by pre treatment of the cells in 0.01 M citrate buffered mannitol (CBM), pH 5.2 with 2 μg/ml poly L ornithine followed by centrifugation and direct resuspension of the cells in the same mixture together with 2 to 4 μg/ml TMV. Higher concentrations of the polycation and buffer were toxic to the protoplasts. Under the best conditions, virus yields of approximately 10-20 μg TMV/10 protoplasts were attained, while after 72 hours incubation, significant amounts of virus could often be recovered from the incubation medium. Addition of actinomycin D to cultures of protoplasts 2 hours post inoculation partially inhibited development of infectivity.en
dc.relation.ispartofArchives of Virology
dc.titleThe infection of cucumber mesophyll protoplasts with tobacco mosaic virusen
dc.contributor.institutionGeography, Environment and Agriculture
dc.contributor.institutionAgriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences
dc.contributor.institutionCrop Protection and Climate Change
dc.contributor.institutionSchool of Life and Medical Sciences
dc.contributor.institutionHealth & Human Sciences Research Institute
dc.contributor.institutionDepartment of Human and Environmental Sciences
dc.description.statusPeer reviewed
rioxxterms.typeJournal Article/Review

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