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dc.contributor.authorFeixas i Viaplana, Guillem
dc.contributor.authorSaul Gutierrez, Luis-Angel
dc.contributor.authorWinter, David
dc.contributor.authorWatson, Sue
dc.identifier.citationFeixas i Viaplana , G , Saul Gutierrez , L-A , Winter , D & Watson , S 2008 , ' Un studio naturalista sobre el cambio de los conflictos cognitivos durante la psicoterapia ' , Apuntes de Psicologia , vol. 26 , no. 2 , pp. 243-55 . < >
dc.description.abstractThe authors present a proposal to operationalize and assess the change of a type of eognitive confiict called implicative dilemma (iD) in the context of personal construct theory. In a sample of 87 patients, Dls and symptoms are ssessed at the beginning and the end ofthe psychotherapy process. Results suggest that psychotherapy reduces both of them. Moreover, ehe decrease of Dls seems tobe related with syrnptom improvement, for what, a relation is estimated between the presence of ID and symptom reduction, a result thai should be confirmed in controlled siudies. Ouerall, these results suggest te include protocols te work with dilemmas as a way to improve the bencflts of the psychotherapy for those patienis who have themen
dc.relation.ispartofApuntes de Psicologia
dc.titleUn studio naturalista sobre el cambio de los conflictos cognitivos durante la psicoterapiaes
dc.contributor.institutionSchool of Life and Medical Sciences
dc.contributor.institutionDepartment of Psychology
dc.contributor.institutionHealth & Human Sciences Research Institute
dc.contributor.institutionHealth and Clinical Psychology Research Group
dc.description.statusPeer reviewed
rioxxterms.typeJournal Article/Review

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