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dc.contributor.authorMoyal-Sharrock, Daniele
dc.identifier.citationMoyal-Sharrock , D 2005 , ' Quand les mots sont des actes : les 'énoncés spontanés'chez Wittgenstein et la dissolution du problème corps-esprit' ' , Revue de theologie et de philosophie , vol. 137 , pp. 1-17 .
dc.description.abstractAccording to Wittgenstein, our spontaneous utterances are not descriptions, but expressions more akin to behaviour than to language: a new sort of speech-act. Rather than conventional performatory words, spontaneous utterances are deeds through their very spontaneity. This gives language a new dimension of reflex, which, as I argue against Peter Hacker, makes the boundary porous between the categories of language and of action, thus dissolving the gap between mind and bodyen
dc.relation.ispartofRevue de theologie et de philosophie
dc.subjectWittgenstein, spontaneous utterances, mind-body problem, speech-act
dc.titleQuand les mots sont des actes : les 'énoncés spontanés'chez Wittgenstein et la dissolution du problème corps-esprit'fr
dc.title.alternativeWhen words are deedsWittgenstein's 'spontaneous utterances and the dissolution of the mind-body problemen
dc.contributor.institutionSchool of Humanities
dc.contributor.institutionSocial Sciences, Arts & Humanities Research Institute
dc.description.statusPeer reviewed
rioxxterms.typeJournal Article/Review

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