Enhancement of germination in native woody species with particular reference to Rosa corymbifera Laxa.
Commercial production of native tree and shrub species from seed can be unpredictable.
Rosa corymbifera 'Laxa' is one such species of commercial importance as a rootstock, and
is characteristic of the Rosaceae family. During the investigation, a standard commercial
pretreatment was used to determine the unpredictable nature of this species with regard to
germination. It was found that germination varied from as low as 2% in one year to a high
of 63% in a subsequent year. The average germination was 26% over this period. This
presents a very real dilemma to the grower with respect to meeting demand from highly
unpredictable species. This dilemma is inherent in native tree production from seed.
Germination became high and predictable with the addition of a compost maker, Garotta.
During the same five year period the lowest germination achieved was 75% and the highest
99%. The average germination was 89%. Germination was vastly increased in percentage
terms as well as becoming reliable from year to year. The benefits to the grower in using
this technique are potentially great in terms of time and resources. Not only is this
pretreatment highly predictable, it is safe and easy to apply, unlike alternatives such as the
use of concentrated sulphuric acid to burn off the seed coat.
During the pretreatment of Rosa corymbifera'Laxa' the influence of microorganisms was
assessed. Microbes were found within the pretreatment and their presence was established
as being required to overcome the dormancy of the seeds. Low microbial numbers and
activity were found in the commercial pretreatment, resulting in low germination. High
microbial numbers and activity were found in the Garotta pretreatment, resulting in high
and predictable germination. Total absence of microbes was found to result in zero
Publication date
1998Published version