Stem canker of oilseed rape : molecular tools and mathematical modelling to deploy durable resistance
Evans, Neal
Fitt, Bruce D.L.
van den Bosch, Frank
Eckert, M. R.
Huang, Yongju
Pietravalle, S.
Karolewski, Z.
Rouxel, Thierry
Balesdent, Marie-Helene
Ross, S.
Gout, L.
Brun, Hortense
Andrivon, Didier
Bousset, L.
Gladders, P.
Pinochet, X.
Penaud, A.
Jedryczka, M.
Kachlicki, P.
Stachowiak, A.
Olechnowicz, J.
Podlesna, A.
Happstadius, I.
Meyer, J.
Renard, Michel
SECURE (Stem canker of oilseed rape: molecular tools and mathematical modelling to deploy durable resistance; QLK5-2002-01813) aims to deliver a model for deployment of cultivars with resistance to Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker/blackleg) to improve durability of resistance and minimise risk that the resistance will break down. The objectives are: 1. To construct a model of the life cycle of L. maculans and validate it with existing data; 2. To compare the fitness of virulent/avirulent races of the pathogen and develop genomic analysis of avirulence and virulence loci; 3. To analyse effects of plant genetic background and environmental factors on durability of resistance, both in field and controlled conditions. 4. To model effects of resistance deployment strategies on durability of resistance and recommend a sustainable strategy. Results will be disseminated and discussed during the course of the project using a website, scientific and popular publications and workshops. The SECURE project is supported by the European Commission under the Fifth Framework Programme.