Radiative capture reactions and alpha-elastic scattering on Cd-106 for the astrophysical p-process
Gyurky, Gy.
Elekes, Z.
Kiss, G. G.
Fulop, Zs.
Somorjai, E.
Mate, Z.
Goerres, J.
Palumbo, A.
Wiescher, A.
Lee, H.Y.
Ozkan, N.
Guray, R. T.
Efe, G.
Galaviz, D.
Kretschmer, A.
Sonnabend, K.
Zilges, A.
Rauscher, T.
In the present work both the (alpha,gamma) and (p,gamma) cross sections on the p-nucleus Cd-106 have been measured in the energy range relevant to the astrophysical p-process. The results are compared with the predictions of the statistical model calculations implemented with the NON-SMOKER code using different input parameters. The proton capture cross section has also been measured for Cd-108.The alpha + Cd-106 optical potential, an important input parameter for the Cd-106(alpha,gamma) reaction rate determination, can be determined directly by measuring the deviation from the Rutherford scattering in the Cd-106(alpha,alpha)Cd-106 elastic scattering experiment. This experiment has also been performed in a wide angular range and the results are compared with different global optical potentials.