An Examination of Pay Satisfaction in the Nigerian Retail Bank Sector: A Gender Analysis
The focus of this study is the assessment of the performance of the Nigerian retail banks on pay satisfaction through an examination of the sector’s pay satisfaction levels. This has formed the basis of the literature review which focuses on pay, pay satisfaction determinants and gender inequality in the distribution of organisational wealth. Literature such as Adam’s equity theory, Maslow’s needs theory and Vroom’s expectancy theory was reviewed. The work adjustment, organisational justice and Herzberg’s dual-factor theories were also reviewed in order to form an opinion on what could determine pay satisfaction amongst the Nigerian retail banking sector’s employees. The literature review findings conclude that pay satisfaction determinants could be based on the outcome of individual comparisons or referent others, and comparison between what they each earn and what they believe they each are worth to their respective organisations.
The aims of this research are (a) to describe and analyse pay satisfaction levels amongst retail bank employees in Nigeria, (b) to identify whether or not pay satisfaction levels of this sector’s employees are gendered, and (c) to establish whether or not male workers are more satisfied with their pay than female employees. The objectives are (a) to empirically explore their pay level satisfaction, (b) to test for similarities and differences in their pay satisfaction levels, and (c) to compare the pay satisfaction levels for any significant differences. The research was conducted using both primary and secondary methods with the aid of 600 self-delivered questionnaires within ten selected retail banking organisations based in Lagos and Abuja. The outcomes suggest low satisfaction levels with pay amongst the sector’s employees, as just 60% of the 303 usable questionnaires from the 326 who responded indicated satisfaction with their pay. This indicates that male workers were more satisfied with their pay than their female counterparts. However, no significant variations in their satisfaction levels were noted.
Finally, this study recommends that Nigerian retail banks implement equitable pay structures that recognise individual efforts whatever their gender. These banks should also establish equity and justice in the distribution of other wealth, and in their policy, process and administrative procedures rather than these being based on personality or culture.