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dc.contributor.authorPucillo, Giovanni Pio
dc.contributor.authorGrasso, Marzio
dc.contributor.authorPenta, Francesco
dc.contributor.authorPinto, Paolo
dc.identifier.citationPucillo , G P , Grasso , M , Penta , F & Pinto , P 2011 , ' On the mechanical characterization of materials by Arcan-type specimens ' , Engineering Fracture Mechanics , vol. 78 , no. 8 , pp. 1729-1741 .
dc.description.abstractThe simple circular notched specimen was originally proposed by Arcan to characterize the elastic properties of fibre-reinforced composites. Unfortunately, its optimized geometry does not allow to measure with reasonable accuracy both the material shear strength and the conditions of failure under a generic biaxial stress state, since the effects of stress concentration on the fillets of the two V-grooves and on the inner circular edges are responsible of premature fractures due to the uniaxial stress states of the notch edges. In a previous numerical study carried out by a parametric two-dimensional finite element model, some of the Authors of this paper found a new optimal geometry of the Arcan specimen able to minimize the notch effect and achieve a uniform pure shear stress field in the gauge cross-section. In the present paper, starting from such a geometry, a new type of Arcan specimen is proposed, having not uniform thickness. An extensive three-dimensional parametric finite element analysis has been done to define its optimal shape. The numerical results show that the new specimen is able to achieve, with a higher probability, material fracture in the minimum cross-section under a pure shear stress distribution which is more uniform than those acting in the Arcan specimen typologies until now proposed.en
dc.relation.ispartofEngineering Fracture Mechanics
dc.subjectArcan specimen
dc.subjectBiaxial tests
dc.subjectFinite element method
dc.subjectShear strength
dc.subjectMechanical Engineering
dc.subjectMechanics of Materials
dc.subjectGeneral Materials Science
dc.titleOn the mechanical characterization of materials by Arcan-type specimensen
dc.contributor.institutionSchool of Engineering and Technology
dc.description.statusPeer reviewed
rioxxterms.typeJournal Article/Review

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