Smith and Keenan's Company Law
Wild, Charles
Weinstein, Stuart
Smith and Keenan’s Company Law provides a readable yet detailed account of the law of corporations and a reputation you can trust. The sixteenth edition continues to explore the impact of the Companies Act 2006 and emerging case law, in light of the major changes in corporate thinking which it represents, and the exciting and challenging implications for practitioners, academics and students alike. This new edition also includes: 1. New chapters with extended discussion of the corporate form and other business formats such as limited liability partnerships 2. Coverage of recent case law such as Chandler v Cape Plc [2012], Stainer v Lee [2010], Hughes v Weiss [2012] and Harbourne Road Nominees Ltd v Karvaski [2011], as well as the Limited Liability Partnerships Regulations (Application of Companies Act 2006) Regulations 2009 (SI 2009/1804) 3. Examination of the new Model Articles that accompany the 2006 Act and the shift away from the 'one size fits all' mentality to a 'think small first' approach, with continuing analysis of Table A as the template for corporate constitutions 4. Increased selection of timely and relevant academic articles in each chapter In addition, the text offers a wealth of learning support features: 1. Topic maps illustrate complex legal structures and processes 2. Marginal cross-references point to further information on key topics 3. Case summaries detail key decisions with clear explanation of the outcomes 4. ‘Test your knowledge’ questions promote good understanding with answers provided 5. Essay questions allow for practice and reflection with answer guidance provided