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dc.contributor.authorZaichenkov, Pavel
dc.contributor.authorTveretina, Olga
dc.contributor.authorShafarenko, Alex
dc.contributor.editorÁbrahám, Erika
dc.contributor.editorHuisman, Marieke
dc.identifier.citationZaichenkov , P , Tveretina , O & Shafarenko , A 2016 , A Constraint Satisfaction Method for Configuring Non-Local Service Interfaces . in E Ábrahám & M Huisman (eds) , Integrated Formal Methods : 12th International Conference, IFM 2016, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 1-5, 2016, Proceedings . Lecture Notes in Computer Science edn , vol. 9681 , , Springer Nature , Switzerland , pp. 474-488 .
dc.identifier.isbnISBN 978-3-319-33693-0
dc.descriptionZaichenkov P., Tveretina O., Shafarenko A. (2016) 'A Constraint Satisfaction Method for Configuring Non-local Service Interfaces' In: Ábrahám E., Huisman M. (eds) Integrated Formal Methods. IFM 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9681. Springer, Cham. First online: 24 May 2016. Final, published version available online at doi:10.1007/978-3-319-33693-0_30 Series ISNN 0302-9743
dc.description.abstractModularity and decontextualization are core principles of a service-oriented architecture. However, the principles are often lost when it comes to an implementation of services due to rigid service interfaces. This paper focuses on a two-fold problem. On the one hand, the interface description language must be flexible for maintaining service compatibility in different contexts without modification of the service itself. On the other hand, the composition of interfaces in a distributed environment must be provably consistent. We present a novel approach for automatic interface configuration in distributed services. We introduce a Message Definition Language (MDL), an interface description language with support of subtyping, flow inheritance and polymorphism. The MDL supports configuration variables that link input and output interfaces of a service and propagate requirements over an application graph. We present an algorithm that solves the interface reconciliation problem using constraint satisfaction that relies on Boolean satisfiability as a subproblem.en
dc.publisherSpringer Nature
dc.relation.ispartofIntegrated Formal Methods
dc.subjectservice-oriented architecture
dc.subjectinterface configuration
dc.subjectconstraint satisfaction
dc.titleA Constraint Satisfaction Method for Configuring Non-Local Service Interfacesen
dc.contributor.institutionCentre for AI and Robotics Research
dc.contributor.institutionBiocomputation Research Group
dc.contributor.institutionDepartment of Computer Science
dc.contributor.institutionSchool of Physics, Engineering & Computer Science
dc.contributor.institutionCybersecurity and Computing Systems
dc.contributor.institutionNetworks and Security Research Centre

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