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dc.contributor.authorChapman, S.~C.
dc.contributor.authorBertoldi, F.
dc.contributor.authorSmail, I.
dc.contributor.authorSteidel, C.~C.
dc.contributor.authorBlain, A.~W.
dc.contributor.authorGeach, J.~E.
dc.contributor.authorGurwell, M.
dc.contributor.authorIvison, R.~J.
dc.contributor.authorPetitpas, G.~R.
dc.contributor.authorReddy, N.
dc.identifier.citationChapman , S C , Bertoldi , F , Smail , I , Steidel , C C , Blain , A W , Geach , J E , Gurwell , M , Ivison , R J , Petitpas , G R & Reddy , N 2015 , ' A millimetre-wave redshift search for the unlensed HyLIRG, HS1700.850.1 ' , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , vol. 453 , no. 1 , pp. 951-959 .
dc.identifier.otherBibtex: urn:682daa11a96ea941b33c89a44b32f6cf
dc.descriptionThis article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. © 2015 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society.
dc.description.abstractWe report the redshift of an unlensed, highly obscured submillimetre galaxy (SMG), HS1700.850.1, the brightest SMG (S850 µm = 19.1 mJy) detected in the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope/Submillimetre Common-user Bolometer Array-2 (JCMT/SCUBA-2) Baryonic Structure Survey, based on the detection of its 12CO line emission. Using the Institute Radio Astronomie Millimetrique Plateau de Bure Interferometer with 3.6 GHz band width, we serendipitously detect an emission line at 150.6 GHz. From a search over 14.5 GHz in the 3- and 2-mm atmospheric windows, we confirm the identification of this line as 12CO(5–4) at z = 2.816, meaning that it does not reside in the z ∼ 2.30 proto-cluster in this field. Measurement of the 870 µm source size (<0.85 arcsec) from the Sub-Millimetre Array (SMA) confirms a compact emission in a S870 µm = 14.5 mJy, LIR ∼ 1013 L component, suggesting an Eddington-limited starburst. We use the double-peaked 12CO line profile measurements along with the SMA size constraints to study the gas dynamics of a HyLIRG, estimating the gas and dynamical masses of HS1700.850.1. While HS1700.850.1 is one of the most extreme galaxies known in the Universe, we find that it occupies a relative void in the Lyman-Break Galaxy distribution in this field. Comparison with other extreme objects at similar epochs (HyLIRG Quasars), and cosmological simulations, suggests such an anti-bias of bright SMGs could be relatively common, with the brightest SMGs rarely occupying the most overdense regions at z = 2–4.en
dc.relation.ispartofMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
dc.subjectgalaxies: abundances, galaxies: high-redshift, submillimetre: galaxies
dc.titleA millimetre-wave redshift search for the unlensed HyLIRG, HS1700.850.1en
dc.contributor.institutionCentre for Astrophysics Research (CAR)
dc.contributor.institutionSchool of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics
dc.description.statusPeer reviewed
rioxxterms.typeJournal Article/Review

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