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dc.contributor.authorAlmack, Kathryn
dc.contributor.editorKing , Andrew
dc.contributor.editorAlmack, Kathryn
dc.contributor.editorSuen, Yui-Tung
dc.contributor.editorWestwood, Sue
dc.identifier.citationAlmack , K 2018 , "I didn't come out to go back in the closet": ageing and end of life care for older LGBT people . in A King , K Almack , Y-T Suen & S Westwood (eds) , Older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans People: Minding the Knowledge Gaps . 1st edn , Taylor & Francis Group , pp. 158-171 . < >
dc.description.abstractThis chapter presents a particular gap in knowledge concerning the end-of-life care needs and experiences in the lives of older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people. The major academic study relating to LGBT ageing in the UK was undertaken in 2001/2003. The English End of Life Care Strategy sought to promote high-quality care for all adults at the end of life in England by providing people with more choice about where they would like to live and die. Similar strategies for the end of life have also been developed in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The UK is an acknowledged leader in palliative and end-of-life care. Research in the areas of palliative and end-of-life care has traditionally had a primary focus on family relationships biased towards families. In relation to end-of-life care, the most commonly expressed option found in surveys conducted about preferences for place of care towards the end of life is to be cared for at home.en
dc.publisherTaylor & Francis Group
dc.relation.ispartofOlder Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans People: Minding the Knowledge Gaps
dc.title"I didn't come out to go back in the closet": ageing and end of life care for older LGBT peopleen
dc.contributor.institutionCentre for Research in Public Health and Community Care
dc.contributor.institutionSchool of Health and Social Work
dc.contributor.institutionPlace Based Ageing
dc.description.statusPeer reviewed

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