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dc.contributor.authorDahawi, T. H.
dc.contributor.authorYusoff, Z.
dc.contributor.authorSalleh, M. S.
dc.contributor.authorSenior, J. M.
dc.identifier.citationDahawi , T H , Yusoff , Z , Salleh , M S & Senior , J M 2021 , ' Low-cost MIMO-RoF-PON architecture for next-generation integrated wired and wireless access networks ' , Journal of Optical Communications and Networking , vol. 13 , no. 3 , pp. 41-52 .
dc.identifier.otherBibtex: Dahawi:21
dc.identifier.otherORCID: /0000-0002-4881-560X/work/90909977
dc.description© 2021 Optical Society of America. This is the accepted manuscript version of an article which has been published in final form at
dc.description.abstractNext-generation integrated fiber-wireless access networks will require low-cost and high-capacity deployment to meet customer demand. A new configuration of radio over fiber--passive optical network (RoF-PON) architecture, including two 60 GHz multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) based on a 5G universal filtered multicarrier waveform and wired signal utilizing orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), is described. At the optical line terminal, MIMO signals are integrated as upper and lower sidebands of the wired OFDM signal. This integration approach, employing single-sideband frequency translation, reduces the complexity of the transceiver design and provides high spectral efficiency because the two MIMO-RoF and wired signals transmit at the same frequency. Improved techniques are also employed to upconvert and downconvert the 60 GHz millimeter wave (MMW), being remote optical heterodyning and self-heterodyning, respectively. The MIMO-RoF signals are therefore transmitted at low frequency over the standard single-mode fiber to avoid the impairments induced at higher frequencies, and the remote optical local oscillator is reused to downconvert the two 60 GHz MMWs, producing a cost-effective system. Simulation results demonstrate very satisfactory network performance when using a downstream link over a 20 km span standard PON.en
dc.relation.ispartofJournal of Optical Communications and Networking
dc.subjectFrequency division multiplexing
dc.subjectOptical access networks
dc.subjectOptical amplifiers
dc.subjectOptical networks
dc.subjectPolarization division multiplexing
dc.subjectRadio over fiber
dc.subjectComputer Networks and Communications
dc.titleLow-cost MIMO-RoF-PON architecture for next-generation integrated wired and wireless access networksen
dc.contributor.institutionCommunications and Intelligent Systems
dc.contributor.institutionOptical Networks
dc.contributor.institutionCentre for AI and Robotics Research
dc.contributor.institutionSPECS Deans Group
dc.contributor.institutionSchool of Physics, Engineering & Computer Science
dc.contributor.institutionNetworks and Security Research Centre
dc.description.statusPeer reviewed
rioxxterms.typeJournal Article/Review

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