Covid-19, home confinement and flexible working
Kass, Lindsy
The earliest documented case of COVID-19 in the UK was 28th February 2020 and on 23rd March 2020 the UK Government enforced a lockdown on the UK population resulting in most adults and children staying at home. The World Health Organisation (WHO) made the assessment that COVID-19 is a pandemic in March 2020 . The current lockdown is changing the way people live and the amount of physical activity and exercise that is undertaken due to being at home more and changes in work patterns. This survey aims to assess the effects of lockdown on physical activity with specific regard to normal working pattern and homelife during the COVID-19 outbreak. Identifying these changes in lifestyle behaviours during the lockdown period may assist in predicting lifestyle diseases in the population and may also be used as a tool to determine whether amount of physical activity and exercise may change during lockdown where more time may be available to the individual. This may help to shape future working patterns in the UK.
Publication date
2021Published version
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