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dc.contributor.authorPayne, Helen
dc.identifier.citationPayne , H 2022 , ' Teaching Staff and Student Perceptions of Staff Support for Student Mental Health: A University Case Study ' , Education Sciences , vol. 12 , no. 4 , e237 .
dc.identifier.otherJisc: 189682
dc.identifier.otherJisc: 189682
dc.identifier.otherORCID: /0000-0003-2028-1121/work/110879008
dc.description© 2022 by the author. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
dc.description.abstractBackground: There are significant concerns for student mental health in higher education. New factors affect student mental health, and campus counselling services are overwhelmed. Struggling students turn to ideally placed familiar teaching staff for support. This qualitative study, conducted in an East of England university, aimed to explore student and staff perceptions of support offered by teaching staff to students grappling with their mental health. It is unique, combining both staff and student perceptions, many of which overlapped. Methods: A thematic analysis was conducted of in-depth, semi-structured interviews with a small number of self-selecting staff/students. Findings (results): Staff felt inadequate in several aspects, and students agreed to give useful suggestions for their preferred support. Conclusions: It was cautiously established that staff training in mental health literacy (knowledge, skills, attributes, and understanding) was required. Specific training was recommended in pastoral care for personal tutors and for staff pedagogy on health professional programmes. Finally, teaching staff needed support when supporting students with poor mental health. Such training and support can be integrated into a preventative, university-wide, holistic policy for student mental health commensurate with the University Mental Health Charter. Embedding such supportive practice into the curriculum is preferable to add-on services and/or interventions.en
dc.relation.ispartofEducation Sciences
dc.subjecthigher education
dc.subjectmental health
dc.subjectteaching staff
dc.subjectpersonal tutors
dc.subjecthealthcare programmes
dc.subjectpedagogic practice
dc.subjectuniversity policy
dc.subjectqualitative study
dc.titleTeaching Staff and Student Perceptions of Staff Support for Student Mental Health: A University Case Studyen
dc.contributor.institutionPsychology and NeuroDiversity Applied Research Unit
dc.contributor.institutionCentre for Research in Professional and Work-Related Learning
dc.contributor.institutionSchool of Life and Medical Sciences
dc.description.statusPeer reviewed
rioxxterms.typeJournal Article/Review

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