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dc.contributor.authorSmith, Jamie D.
dc.contributor.authorDale, James E.
dc.contributor.authorJaffa, Sarah E.
dc.contributor.authorKrause, Martin G. H.
dc.identifier.citationSmith , J D , Dale , J E , Jaffa , S E & Krause , M G H 2022 , ' Star Cluster Formation in Clouds with Externally Driven Turbulence ' , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , vol. 516 , no. 3 , pp. 4212-4219 .
dc.identifier.otherORCID: /0000-0002-9610-5629/work/120801435
dc.identifier.otherORCID: /0000-0001-5252-5771/work/120801437
dc.description©The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
dc.description.abstractStar clusters are known to be formed in turbulent molecular clouds. How turbulence is driven in molecular clouds and what effect this has on star formation is still unclear. We compare a simulation setup with turbulent driving everywhere in a periodic box with a setup where turbulence is only driven around the outside of the box. We analyse the resulting gas distribution, kinematics, and the population of stars that are formed from the cloud. Both setups successfully produce a turbulent velocity field with a power law structure function, the externally driven cloud has a more central, monolithic, clump, while the fully driven cloud has many smaller, more dispersed, clumps. The star formation follows the cloud morphology producing large clusters, with high star forming efficiency in the externally driven simulations and sparse individual star formation with much lower star formation efficiency in the fully driven case. We conclude that the externally driven method, which resembles a Global Hierarchical Collapse (GHC) scenario, produces star clusters that more closely match with observations.en
dc.relation.ispartofMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
dc.titleStar Cluster Formation in Clouds with Externally Driven Turbulenceen
dc.contributor.institutionCentre for Astrophysics Research (CAR)
dc.contributor.institutionSchool of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics
dc.contributor.institutionSchool of Physics, Engineering & Computer Science
dc.contributor.institutionDepartment of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics
dc.description.statusPeer reviewed
rioxxterms.typeJournal Article/Review

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