How Expert Coaches Understand the Application of Rhythm in Judo
Callan, Mike
Bountakis, George
The goal of this study is to learn about the use of rhythm in judo through the eyes of skilled Japanese trainers. In their native language, six expert Japanese coaches were questioned. The transcripts were coded using thematic analysis software and Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was used to analyse them. The IPA method was used for this study because it enabled the data to provide the framework for themes rather than the researcher influencing them. Rhythmic training was used for a variety of reasons, including quicker technical improvement, better attack or defence, fitness, speed, skill acquisition, and personal and spiritual growth, according to interviewees. Both the interviews and the codification process resulted in fresh discoveries about the use of rhythm in judo and judo as a pedagogical tool. In the context of training, the rhythm was regarded as an integrated and representational aspect. This research looks at how professional coaches apply rhythm in judo and gives us some insight into how they think about it. It demonstrates that outside of the training setting, coaches play a significant role for students by educating, coaching, and guiding them. Humans, body, opponent, rhythm, tai-sabaki, technique, break falls, and training are among the 154 textual pieces divided into eight categories. Human movement, judo rhythm, teaching method, and technical skills emerged as the four key topics.