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dc.contributor.authorNwanekezie, Nnamdi
dc.contributor.authorSimpson, Oluyomi
dc.contributor.authorOwojaiye, Gbenga
dc.contributor.authorSun, Yichuang
dc.identifier.citationNwanekezie , N , Simpson , O , Owojaiye , G & Sun , Y 2023 , ' Co-Efficient Vector Based Differential Distributed Quasi-Orthogonal Space Time Frequency Coding ' , Sensors , vol. 23 , no. 17 , 7540 .
dc.identifier.otherJisc: 1322999
dc.identifier.otherJisc: 1322999
dc.identifier.otherpublisher-id: sensors-23-07540
dc.description© 2023 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
dc.description.abstractDistributed space time frequency coding (DSTFC) schemes address problems of performance degradation encountered by cooperative broadband networks operating in highly mobile environments. Channel state information (CSI) acquisition is, however, impractical in such highly mobile environments. Therefore, to address this problem, designers focus on incorporating differential designs with DSTFC for signal recovery in environments where neither the relay nodes nor destination have CSI. Traditionally, unitary matrix-based differential designs have been used to generate the differentially encoded symbols and codeword matrices. Unitary based designs are suitable for cooperative networks that utilize the amplify-and-forward protocol where the relay nodes are typically required to forego differential decoding. In considering other scenarios where relay nodes are compelled to differentially decode and re-transmit information signals, we propose a novel co-efficient vector differential distributed quasi-orthogonal space time frequency coding (DQSTFC) scheme for decode-and-forward cooperative networks. Our proposed space time frequency coding scheme relaxes the need for constant channel gain in the temporal and frequency dimensions over long symbol periods; thus, performance degradation is reduced in frequency-selective and time-selective fading environments. Simulation results illustrate the performance of our proposed co-efficient vector differential DQSTFC scheme under different channel conditions. Through pair-wise error probability analysis, we derive the full diversity design criteria for our code.en
dc.subjectdifferential distributed space time frequency coding
dc.subjectquasi-orthogonal codes
dc.subjectco-efficient vectors
dc.subjectunitary matrices
dc.titleCo-Efficient Vector Based Differential Distributed Quasi-Orthogonal Space Time Frequency Codingen
dc.contributor.institutionSchool of Physics, Engineering & Computer Science
dc.contributor.institutionDepartment of Engineering and Technology
dc.contributor.institutionCommunications and Intelligent Systems
dc.contributor.institutionCentre for Engineering Research
dc.contributor.institutionCentre for Future Societies Research
dc.contributor.institutionNetworks and Security Research Centre
dc.description.statusPeer reviewed
rioxxterms.typeJournal Article/Review

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