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dc.contributor.authorSingh Lota, Kabir
dc.contributor.authorMalliaropoulos, Nikos G.
dc.contributor.authorCallan, Mike
dc.contributor.authorIkumi, Akira
dc.identifier.citationSingh Lota , K , Malliaropoulos , N G , Callan , M & Ikumi , A 2023 , ' Loss of Consciousness in Judo: Similarities and Differences Between Traumatic Brain Injury and Choking Techniques (Shime-Waza) ' , The Arts and Sciences of Judo (ASJ) , vol. 3 , no. 1 , pp. 39-42 . < >
dc.identifier.otherORCID: /0000-0002-0505-3043/work/156578460
dc.description© The Author(s). Published in The Arts and Sciences of Judo (ASJ).
dc.description.abstractLoss of consciousness (LOC) is a critical event that can occur in judo as a result of both traumatic brain injury (TBI) and choking techniques (shime-waza). This research note explores the similarities and differences between these two distinct causes of LOC, in the context of judo. The aims are to further knowledge surrounding these phenomena, provide additional insight into the underlying mechanisms and emphasise the importance of safety and risk management in training and competition. Firstly, the research note explores and compares the underlying physiological mechanisms through which TBI and shime-waza can cause LOC. The short and long-term consequences of both instances, as well as the significance of repeated injuries on player health, and considerations for safety and risk management strategies in the sport suggested by governing bodies are discussed. A comprehensive understanding of the similarities and differences between LOC caused by TBI and shime-waza is vital in order to increase awareness amongst players, coaches, officials, and researchers alike. Thus, appropriate precautionary measures regarding player safety can be implemented in judo, and allow those who participate to continue enjoying the sport to its full extent.en
dc.relation.ispartofThe Arts and Sciences of Judo (ASJ)
dc.subjectLoss of consciousness, shime-waza, traumatic brain injury.
dc.subjectOrthopedics and Sports Medicine
dc.subjectPhysical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation
dc.titleLoss of Consciousness in Judo: Similarities and Differences Between Traumatic Brain Injury and Choking Techniques (Shime-Waza)en
dc.contributor.institutionExercise, Health and Wellbeing Research Group
dc.contributor.institutionHigh Performance Sport Research Group
dc.contributor.institutionDepartment of Psychology, Sport and Geography
dc.contributor.institutionCentre for Research in Psychology and Sports
dc.contributor.institutionSchool of Life and Medical Sciences
dc.description.statusPeer reviewed
rioxxterms.typeJournal Article/Review

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