Digital Technologies to support social wellbeing of community dwelling older adults in receipt of care and their carers: Summary of findings from knowledge mobilisation events with recommendations for policy and practice
Tingle, Alison
Almack, Kathryn
Toma, Madalina
Prato, Laura
Waterman, Chloe
Forder, Julian
This is the third and final briefing summary from a research project exploring digital technologies in adult social care to support social wellbeing for community dwelling older adults (DiTSoW). The research is led by the University of Hertfordshire, representing the East of England Applied Research Collaboration (ARC). It is one of four research projects developed by the National Priorities Programme of Adult Social Care and Social Work, a partnership of nine Applied Research Collaborations (ARCs) across England, funded by the National Institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR) and led by the Kent, Surrey and Sussex ARC (ARC KSS).