How can we reduce the morbidity of patients undergoing robotic-assisted radical cystectomy with intracorporeal neobladder? A report on postoperative complications endorsed by the EAU Robotic Urology Section (ERUS) Scientific Working Group
Pellegrino, Francesco
Martini, Alberto
Falagario, Ugo Giovanni
Rautiola, Juhana
Russo, Antonio
Mertens, Laura S
Di Gianfrancesco, Luca
Bravi, Carlo Andrea
Vollemaere, Jonathan
Abdeen, Muhammad
Moschini, Marco
Mendrek, Mikolaj
Kjøbli, Eirik
Buse, Stephan
Wijburg, Carl
Touzani, Alae
Ploussard, Guillaume
Antonelli, Alessandro
Schwenk, Laura
Ebbing, Jan
Vasdev, Nikhil
Froelicher, Gabriel
John, Hubert
Canda, Abdullah Erdem
Balbay, Mevlana Derya
Stoll, Marcel
Edeling, Sebastian
Van Praet, Charles
Leyh-Bannurah, Sami-Ramzi
Siemer, Stefan
Stoeckle, Michael
Mottrie, Alexander
D'Hondt, Frederiek
Crestani, Alessandro
Porreca, Angelo
Briganti, Alberto
Montorsi, Francesco
van der Poel, Hendrik
Dacaestecker, Karel
Gaston, Richard
Hosseini, Abolfazl
Wiklund, N Peter