Millimeter polarimetry of star-forming regions : magnetic field structure and low mass stars
Tamura, M.
Hayashi, S.
Hough, J.
We have measured polarization of the 1.1 mm and 0.8 mm continuum emission for 3 pre-T Tauri stars and 2 T Tauri stars. Positive detections were made for NGC 1333 IRAS 4 and IRAS 16293-2422, while L1551 IRS 5 and HL Tau were only marginally detected. For GG Tau we measured a 2? upper limit of 3%. The polarization is interpreted in terms of thermal emission by magnetically aligned dust grains in circumstellar disks or envelopes. We have found a definite geometrical relation between the polarization and other circumstellar structure.