Missing Men in Education
Thornton, M.E.
Bricheno, P.
This book reports on the ten years' research by the authors into men in teaching. There is much concern about boys' underachievement in schools compared to girls. But attributing this to the dearth of men in teaching is based on assumption and panic and not on hard fact. Here at last is research based evidence on the impact of men's presence or absence and their role in this predominantly female profession. The book presents a historical perspective on whether and how the lack of men in teaching significantly affects boys' learning and behaviour in school. It considers the complexity of male teacher subjectivities and identities and maps the origins, motivations and career trajectories of men teachers as compared to women. It thus informs professional and public understanding of gender issues in teaching and their effect on pupils' learning and on the profession itself. The conclusions have important implications for future policies on recruitment, retention and career progression. Missing Men in Education is for teachers and lecturers across all sectors, school governors and managers at all levels, careers advisers, government departments and policy makers, teacher trainers - and anyone concerned to get beyond the public rhetoric and knee-jerk initiatives that currently obtain.