Now showing items 1-18 of 18

    • The Absurdity of Rational Choice: Time Travel, Foreknowledge, and the Aesthetic Dimension of Newcomb Problems 

      Bourne, Craig; Caddick Bourne, Emily (2024-07-06)
      Nikk Effingham and Huw Price argue that in certain cases of Newcomb problems involving time travel and foreknowledge, being given information about the future makes it rational to choose as an evidential decision theorist ...
    • The Art of Time Travel: A Bigger Picture 

      Bourne, Craig; Caddick Bourne, Emily (2017-03-31)
      We reply to Storrs McCall's objections to our proposed solution to his puzzle concerning time travel and artistic creativity. We also raise some further thoughts, developing the discussion of time travel's implications for ...
    • The Art of Time Travel: McCall’s “Insoluble” Problem Solved 

      Bourne, Craig; Caddick Bourne, Emily (2016-12-01)
      In ‘An Insoluble Problem’ (2010), Storrs McCall presents an argument which he takes to reveal the real problem with backwards time travel. McCall asks us to imagine a scenario in which a renowned artist produces his famous ...
    • The Basis of Correctness in the Religious Studies Classroom 

      Bourne, Craig; Caddick Bourne, Emily; Jarmy, Clare (2016-11-18)
      What is it that makes a student’s answer correct or incorrect in Religious Studies? In practice, the standards of correctness in the RS classroom are generally applied with relative ease by teachers and students. Nevertheless, ...
    • Becoming Inflated 

      Bourne, Craig (2004)
      Some have thought that the process of the expansion of the universe can be used to define an absolute ‘cosmic time’ which then serves as the absolute time required by tensed theories of time. Indeed, this is the very reason ...
    • Conversational Perversion, Implicature and Sham Cancelling in Othello 

      Bourne, Craig; Caddick Bourne, Emily (Routledge, 2018-10-26)
      Othello demonstrates what we call ‘conversational perversions’. This is a technical term which we introduce to identify conversational behaviours which are designed to block the possibility of mutual understanding that ...
    • Does same-sex marriage show Church and state cannot sing from the same hymn sheet? 

      Bourne, Craig; Caddick Bourne, Emily (University of Hertfordshire, 2013)
      One important conflict between Church and state in which there is much contemporary interest centres on same-sex marriage. More and more states are reforming marriage law to allow for same-sex marriage in the secular ...
    • Elusive Fictional Truth 

      Bourne, Craig; Caddick Bourne, Emily (2022-01-03)
      We argue that some fictional truths are fictionally true by default. We also argue that these fictional truths are subject to being undermined. We propose that the context within which we are to evaluate what is fictionally ...
    • Explanation and Quasi-Miracles in Narrative Understanding: The Case of Poetic Justice 

      Bourne, Craig; Caddick Bourne, Emily (2018-01-29)
      David Lewis introduced the idea of a quasi-miracle to overcome a problem in his initial account of counterfactuals. Here we put the notion of a quasi-miracle to a different and new use, showing that it offers a novel account ...
    • Fatalism and the Future 

      Bourne, Craig (Oxford University Press (OUP), 2011-04)
    • Fictional Branching Time? 

      Bourne, Craig; Caddick Bourne, Emily (Springer Nature, 2013)
      Some fictions seem to involve branching time, where one time-series ‘splits’ into two, or two time-series ‘fuse’ into one. We provide a new framework for thinking about these fictional representations: not as representations ...
    • A Future for Presentism 

      Bourne, Craig (Oxford University Press (OUP), 2006-12)
      Presentism, the view that only the present exists, was a much-neglected position in the philosophy of time for a number of years. Recently, however, it has been enjoying a renaissance among philosophers. A Future for ...
    • Narrative Normativity: Four Routes to Redemption 

      Bourne, Craig; Caddick Bourne, Emily (Routledge, 2016-12-01)
      The relationship between falls and subsequent redemptions impacts on theories of narrative explanation, that is, of how narratives furnish an understanding of the events they represent. We explore this impact by first ...
    • On what we may infer from artistic and scientific representations of time 

      Bourne, Craig; Caddick Bourne, Emily (2012)
      We consider the extent to which artistic and scientific representations can give us knowledge of how things are or could be. Focusing on representations of time, we take two case studies: simultaneity and temporal order; ...
    • Personification Without Impossible Content 

      Bourne, Craig; Caddick Bourne, Emily (2018-04)
      Personification has received little philosophical attention, but Daniel Nolan has recently argued that it has important ramifications for the relationship between fictional representation and possibility. Nolan argues that ...
    • Philosophical Ridings : Motorcycles and the Meaning of Life 

      Bourne, Craig (Oneworld Publications, 2007-06)
      A semi-popular book presenting important philosophical issues from the perspective of a motorcyclist: the value of human life and the nature of our interaction with the world; the nature of death; the extent to which the ...
    • Relativity Theory and the Contingency of Tense 

      Bourne, Craig (Carocci Editore, 2010)
    • Time in Fiction 

      Bourne, Craig; Caddick Bourne, Emily (Oxford University Press (OUP), 2016-02-18)
      What can we learn from engaging with fictional time-series? What should we make of stories involving time travellers who change the past, recurrence of a single day, foreknowledge of the future, the freezing or rewinding ...