Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • Circumnuclear regions in barred spiral galaxies - I. Near-infrared imaging 

      Perez-Ramirez, D.; Knapen, J.; Peletier, R.F.; Laine, S.; Doyon, R.; Nadeau, D. (2000-09)
    • Discovery and spectroscopy of the young Jovian planet 51 Eri b with the Gemini Planet Imager 

      Macintosh, B.; Graham, J. R.; Barman, T.; Rosa, R. J. De; Konopacky, Q.; Marley, M. S.; Marois, C.; Nielsen, E. L.; Pueyo, L.; Rajan, A.; Rameau, J.; Saumon, D.; Wang, J. J.; Patience, J.; Ammons, M.; Arriaga, P.; Artigau, E.; Beckwith, S.; Brewster, J.; Bruzzone, S.; Bulger, J.; Burningham, B.; Burrows, A. S.; Chen, C.; Chiang, E.; Chilcote, J. K.; Dawson, R. I.; Dong, R.; Doyon, R.; Draper, Z. H.; Duchêne, G.; Esposito, T. M.; Fabrycky, D.; Fitzgerald, M. P.; Follette, K. B.; Fortney, J. J.; Gerard, B.; Goodsell, S.; Greenbaum, A. Z.; Hibon, P.; Hinkley, S.; Cotten, T. H.; Hung, L. -W.; Ingraham, P.; Johnson-Groh, M.; Kalas, P.; Lafreniere, D.; Larkin, J. E.; Lee, J.; Line, M.; Long, D.; Maire, J.; Marchis, F.; Matthews, B. C.; Max, C. E.; Metchev, S.; Millar-Blanchaer, M. A.; Mittal, T.; Morley, C. V.; Morzinski, K. M.; Murray-Clay, R.; Oppenheimer, R.; Palmer, D. W.; Patel, R.; Perrin, M. D.; Poyneer, L. A.; Rafikov, R. R.; Rantakyrö, F. T.; Rice, E. L.; Rojo, P.; Rudy, A. R.; Ruffio, J. -B.; Ruiz, M. T.; Sadakuni, N.; Saddlemyer, L.; Salama, M.; Savransky, D.; Schneider, A. C.; Sivaramakrishnan, A.; Song, I.; Soummer, R.; Thomas, S.; Vasisht, G.; Wallace, J. K.; Ward-Duong, K.; Wiktorowicz, S. J.; Wolff, S. G.; Zuckerman, B. (2015-10-02)
      Directly detecting thermal emission from young extrasolar planets allows measurement of their atmospheric composition and luminosity, which is influenced by their formation mechanism. Using the Gemini Planet Imager, we ...
    • The First High-contrast Images of Near High-mass X-Ray Binaries with Keck/NIRC2 

      Prasow-Émond, M.; Hlavacek-Larrondo, J.; Fogarty, K.; Artigau, É.; Mawet, D.; Gandhi, P.; Steiner, J. F.; Rameau, J.; Lafrenière, D.; Fabian, A.; Walton, D. J.; Doyon, R.; Ren, B. B. (2024-05-13)
      Although the study of X-ray binaries has led to major breakthroughs in high-energy astrophysics, their circumbinary environment at scales of ∼100–10,000 au has not been thoroughly investigated. In this paper, we undertake ...
    • Grand-design spirals in the core of NGC 5248 

      Laine, S.; Knapen, J.; Perez-Ramirez, D.; Doyon, R.; Nadeau, D. (2001)
      We report the detection of a bisymmetric nuclear spiral structure in the spiral galaxy NGC 5248.The two red spiral arms can be followed for about 3 arcsec, before they appear to end inside the radius of the circumnuclear ...
    • M100 and NGC 6951: Morphological Clues to Central Dynamics 

      Knapen, J.; Shlosman, I.; Beckman, J.E.; Heller, C.H.; Peletier, R.F.; de Jong, R.S.; Nadeau, D.; Doyon, R. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1996)
      High-resolution optical and NIR observations are used to constrain a dynamical model of the circumnuclear star forming (SF) region in the barred galaxy M100 (NGC 4321). Small leading arms observed in our K-band image of ...
    • A nuclear grand-design spiral within the normal disc spiral of NGC 5248 

      Laine, S.; Knapen, J.; Perez-Ramirez, D.; Doyon, R.; Nadeau, D. (1999-01)
      We report the discovery of trailing grand-design nuclear spiral structure in the spiral galaxy NGC 5248. Two tightly-wound red spiral arms, with widths less than 1 arcsec (~ 75 pc), emanate at 1 arcsec outside the quiescent ...
    • A Subarcsecond Resolution Near infrared Study of Seyfert and “Normal” Galaxies. I. Imaging Data 

      Peletier, R.F.; Knapen, J.; Shlosman, I.; Perez-Ramirez, D.; Nadeau, D.; Doyon, R.; Rodriguez Espinosa, J.M.; Garcia Perez, A.M. (1999-12)
      We present new high-resolution near-infrared observations in the J, H, and K bands, obtained to study the properties of Seyfert host galaxies. The data set consists of images in the three bands of practically the entire ...