Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Automatic continuity, unique Polish topologies, and Zariski topologies on monoids and clones 

      Elliott, L.; Jonusas, Julius; Mitchell, James D.; Morayne, Michal; Mesyan, Zak; Peresse, Yann (2023-08-22)
      In this paper we explore the extent to which the algebraic structure of a monoid M determines the topologies on M that are compatible withits multiplication. Specifically we study the notions of automatic continuity;minimal ...
    • Polish topologies on endomorphism monoids of relational structures 

      Elliott, Luke; Jonusas, Julius; Mitchell, James D.; Peresse, Yann; Pinsker, Michael (2023-10-15)
      In this paper we present general techniques for characterising minimal and maximal semigroup topologies on the endomorphism monoid End(A) of a countable relational structure A. As applications, we show that the endomorphism ...
    • Sets of universal sequences for the symmetric group and analogous semigroups 

      Peresse, Yann; Hyde, James; Mitchell, James D.; Jonusas, Julius (2020-01-28)
      A universal sequence for a group or semigroup S is a sequence of words w1,w2,… such that for any sequence s1,s2,…∈S, the equations wi=si, i∈N, can be solved simultaneously in S. For example, Galvin showed that the sequence ...
    • Universal sequences for the order-automorphisms of the rationals 

      Hyde, James; Jonusas, Julius; Mitchell, J. D.; Peresse, Y. H. (2016-05-13)
      In this paper, we consider the group Aut$(\mathbb{Q}, \leq)$ of order-automorphisms of the rational numbers, proving a result analogous to a theorem of Galvin's for the symmetric group. In an announcement, Kh\'elif states ...